Cannabis Harvesting
Information and discussions regarding the harvest, drying, storage and curing of cannabis
368 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Situation: my 3 outdoor plants in northern NSW have produced reasonable buds that have had clear trichomes visible for a few weeks now. None appear to have changed colour yet, though many of the small hairs that protrude from the nodes have turned reddish orange. Due to family emergency, I have to head back to WA for 3 to 4 weeks on Monday. Question: based on people's experience, am I better advised to harvest NOW (slightly early) - or to wait 3-4 weeks and return to whatever I happen to find? It seems the general consensus is that once half the trichomes have gone amber, THC starts deteriorating rapidly. I'd hate to return to plants that have lost most of their po…
Last reply by smokinjoe, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Just about to get some color in them.
Last reply by Skunkxxx, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
This year I will have to dry my plant in the shed. I know its not ideal but any Ideas to help it that little bit?? It has been getting warm here, I do have a whirly gig thing on the roof already.
Last reply by shroomyshroom, -
- 3 replies
Hi Guys, Hope all is well. Got a plant that is premium indica (grown from the same seeds before). these have been growing outdoors and artificially induced the budding cycle on 10 February 2011 (by putting plant in complete darkness 12 hours a day). Now I had a rich strong buddy crown. The hairs are about 80% white and 20% brown. Just curious about when I will reach about 50% brown hairs or (alternatively) when I would be ready to harvest? All opinions welcome. Cheers
Last reply by paddy1, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Hey guys, I tried looking at the above main harvest post, and am a bit nervous. Here are a few photos of my NL5, sorry they're blurry. First 3 are plant 1, second 3 plant 2. Are they ready to harvest immediately, is it already too late, or shall I wait for the weekend? Thanks in advance!
Last reply by Backwoodblaza, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hi Folks, My small plant which i planted around mid to end novemberish (i'm bad with dates) started to flower or hair a few weeks back. The pictures was taken this morning. I was wondering if the flowers will get any bigger or if its ready to be harvested. To give an idea of the size, its as big as my index finger. also on the underside of the plant there are smaller flowers. i was wondering if i just cut off the branches that look ready and let the other keep growing?
Last reply by Reverend, -
Hi, They say to flush the plants two weeks before harvest. I have trouble deciding when there is two weeks growing left. What signs should I use to determine when to flush? Thanks, Bigrat
Last reply by bigrat, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys, Just came across this thread here:icmag It's pretty long but worth a read, has some really good info on how to do the perfect cure, I hope you get something from it.
Last reply by Nooby, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Hi folks First time grower here and my plant is just budding. I have no idea when is the right time to start harvesting! From the attached pics could anyone guestimate how long I should wait before cutting the bad babe down? Cheers AMJ
Last reply by allmyjazz, -
- 5 replies
What does anyone think. Are these ready to harvest?? Been on 12/12 for 72 days
Last reply by smashed1, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hi all, After drying and curing buds, would it be alright to vac store the buds?. Or is it best to dry then just vac them. I have no idea if mould will grow if there is any moisture in middle of the buds while there vac sealed. Any ideas or thoughts would be great. Thanks. ......Pisslips....
Last reply by GreenBeard, -
- 16 replies
My 1st harvest This WW just started 7th week flowering. Opinions?
Last reply by SHEEPinWOLFskin, -
- 3 replies
when drying, I often start to get wispy white growths on my bud....could any outdoor growers in similar geography (ie SE Queensland) advise me their never fail method of drying and curing?
Last reply by kerry1, -
- 420 Crew
- 18 replies
hi all.. my 2 girls are almost done, this is my 3rd harvest since starting to grow..and it looks like i did better this time.. i took a few shots of them cause when i was looking at em tonight the amount of resin just looked awsome, they look like 1 of the old eucalyptus balls you used to get years ago, covered in sugar.. on the leaves that caught the right cam angle you can the resin all over them, its disgusting... it looks like they have white edges.... last grow was pretty sticky to touch, i got a big chunck hash off my fingers after the manicure.. but this lot feels like a solid sponge like oily rag to touch, a bit like honey but but thinner texture... dont kno…
Last reply by brick, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
hi all, with a 70 day lifespan and with 18 days to go i'm worried that i might be heading to couchlock land. Attached are some pics taken from random leaves on 2 different plants. Both plants are 18 days to go. Aiming for All cloudy very small amount of amber. Do these look ready to you? Azpo
Last reply by jimbojones5678, -