General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 3 replies
Can anyone help me please. Best place to find indoor seed in N.S.W for hydro. have been using outdoor and they have not been too successful. They have been too leggy
Last reply by Ferre, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Hey all I have been reading over at about an carbon air cleaner useing activated carbon that you use in the filter in a fish tank, what i want to know if any one here that has built one or know of some one that has, and if so how well did it work, i want to see if i can get some feed back on this before i kick my braine in to gear and build one as i love doing that sort of shit Thanking you all ozmade Bong on aussie
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
Quantumponics 1 2
by trumpet- 11 replies
Does anyone know anything about Quantumponics? I was browsing through ebay and came across this Quantumponics Emitter in Tank to go into an existing Hydroponics system. They make some pretty big claims about increase in plant size, growth rates, yeild, shelf life, resistance to pest, disease and harsh environmental conditions. If this is true then it may be a good investment. Cheers Trumpet
Last reply by sols, -
- 8 replies
I'd been looking around for a b1 supplement for ages, because in a lot of literature that I'd read it said that b1 was a useful supplement to use to reduce transplant and other stresses. Well, after a long time looking, my girlfriend was at a health store nearby her work and she asked about liquid b1. The store assistant pointed out "Mozi Free", a liquid b1 used to repel mosquitos, (how, I'm not quite sure...) and the love of my life, wonderful woman that she is, bought it on the spot. Now, I've used it in the outer reservoir and my cloning spray for the last few weeks, and so far no bad reactions. I just add a drop to the 1 L spray bottle I use for my clones, and abo…
Last reply by sols, -
- 5 replies
Morning all, Firstly,a great big thanks to the org's of this site.And to the people who help out/answer questions~Its great!!I'm wrapped to be aboard,finally! Now~the shade leaf thing.......They seem to be covering the buds a little & stopping the sun,yet I have been told that the shade leaves are a way that water gets to the buds ((??)) Are my sources correct....? Well,to all a good day,I am off today so I get to play with my signature & things in here.....Do u guys have a chat forum?Thanks again. PEACE~ONE LOVE~ **ONLY USERS LOOSE DRUGS**
Last reply by sols, -
- 2 replies
I want to germinate some seeds in 1" rockwool cubes then put them into 6" inch netpots with expanded clay when the roots come through. Is it ok to leave the rockwool attached to the roots or does it have to be removed the way I do it with seeds germinated in soil ?
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 0 replies
Good grow guide
Last reply by jackfrost, -
- 1 reply
check this out:- anyone ever tried one of these. In concept it look very energy and space efficient. any thoughts?
- 8 replies
i have a plant and it's ready for harvesting. sich is i got no smoko atm and would love to have a smoke tonight. what's a quick way to dry the buds out without losing and good stuff
- 2 replies
i want to grow indoor also under a controlled conditions and ive seen plenty of nutes out there but i was wondering whats the best to feed the plants and on what basis.
Last reply by Buddy, -
- 5 replies
im planning to start growing indoors as well as outdoors and i want to know what the best fertilizer is. any help is great.
Last reply by jackfrost, -
- 3 replies
At the moment i think i'm using a NFT system (i'll explain the system quickly so you know what it is) there's a 50 letre res. pump in res going upto 4" pvc which is in a U shape. 8 pots in total, Air stone under each pot. what is this called? and are there any other easier setups to go for? i've noticed at hydro shops they have similiar setups but instead of a round grow bed (the 4"pvc pipe) they are using a flat type gutter for the grow bed and water just trickels along the bottom. no need for air cuz there is no water depth so there's plenty or air on the roots. Or, do i just get buckets, fill em up with dirt and wack em under lights and just hand water em whenever? …
Last reply by jackfrost, -
- 3 replies
What do you guys think is the best strain for indoors? Well what have you grown that you realy liked more than others?...Peace
Last reply by sols, -
- 10 replies
I was over at overgrow reading about this home made smoke filter. The filter consists of a 600ml plastic drink bottle with the bottom removed. The bottle is stuffed with dryer sheets or bounce sheets which you can purchase from the supermarket in America. The bottle is then put inside a sock. The smoke is then exhaled into the narrow end of the bottle and filtered through the dryer sheets and comes out through the sock clean. My question is what the hell are dryer sheets. Does anyone have any idea what the Australian equivalent is or what could be used instead. Has anyone tried making one of these?
Last reply by Gruntus, -
- 6 replies
I'm curious if anyone knows what is the genetic probability of getting male plants is all things being equal. I mean one male plant could pollinate numerous female plants, so there would be no reason in nature that there would need to be a 50/50 balance. I have 6 plants in 2 cupboards. One plant is noticeably taller & skinnier with less branching and longer node spacing. So I am guessing (and hoping) this is the only male.
Last reply by sols,