General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 0 replies
Ive been talk that one of the nutrients has been linked to cancer and i dont know what-the site has been taken down and wondered if anyone out there ahs heard anything cuz i just stocked up!!
Last reply by hsvbud, -
Constantly rising PH level
by Guest Wilderbud- 9 replies
My PH rises to alkaline every day in my flood and drain setup with expanded clay as a medium. I am worried about this because I think it should only be a weekly occurence. Should I discontinue using my tap water and stock up on distilled or is adding 1ml of PH down every few days for 20L of water OK [i let it stay alkaline for a few days]? OR, if you think this isnt a good situation could I dump the water every fortnight instead of getting distilled or is my tap water a big problem? Ive added about 5ml of PH down to the 20L and havent topped up the reservoir yet. PS. Im using liquid tester but I used the same kit last time and adjusted it weekly - it was different t…
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
I have about 40 clones (1st clones) i have transplanted and they seem to be very week for the first 24 to 48 hours and they perk right back up after a little mist and fulvic acid, do you have any suggestions on transplanting and any type of stimulator i should use. Also the clones are about 6 to 12 inches high at transplant is this big enough and how big should i expect them to get, also is there any type of pruning i should be doing or topping to make more buds?
Last reply by dbltoker, -
- 4 replies
At present I have two plants that I have started from seed ( Sweet Skunk) and they have been growing for nearly four weeks and are about 10 inches high. They have been under a 24 hour light period from the start and after looking today I found one begining to show a female flower. Is this going to be a problem if I still keep the plants in a veg cycle as I would like them to get a bit bigger before flowering. I know some of you are going to question my 24 hour light period but I have used this on my first grow (Sweet Skunk again) and had no problems. My set up is a 4ft x 2ft cupboard with a 150 watt high pressure sodium bulb for all stages. Once again some of y…
Last reply by budsta, -
- 1 reply
hi guys, i got given a set of new products from my local (grow shop) made by a company called agricultural organics. bloom roots (root stim) pre bloom (shoot stim) ultra bloom (flowering stim) final bloom (flowering stim) seems i have a room getting ready to start up thought i might use them all and share the results with you. check out for some pictures and product info about 2 weeks ago i did a batch of cuttings using the bloom roots as a additive to my irigation solution, i did 50 cuttings all up i was after 32 good ones for 2 rooms, 10 days latter i had 50 cuttings all with plenty of roots out the bottom of the grodan cubes ready to …
- 12 replies
I lost every plant I had this weekend when my dear old mother decided to spruce up my garden mistaking my young ducksfoot plants for weeds... She also noticed I had a few plants in pots and commented on them, I said they were some odd plant I had found in the garden when I moved in and decied to cultivate them to see what they were. She knew what they were and told me so.... At least she beleaved me when i said i had no clue as to what they were. So she up rooted them and disposed of them.... I now have a few extra plants in my garden and a few less weeds. Alas I am without my babies.... Shes staying here now and things are looking down..…
Last reply by syk613, -
Hi everyone, im a first time future grower hopefully ill start to grow but im not sure which seeds to get and where to get them where should i go? and any tips on growing outdoors (nsw, central coast). Thanks :mellow: also anyone that helps me out and happens to visit me one day ill smoke you up good ::
by erix4twenty- 4 replies
Hay & whats up from california . I noticed that I dont know some of your ferts in your area , what type of nutes are you guys using ?? I just wanted to no if I was missing out on some good nutrients . thanx
Last reply by PHdOwnUnder, -
- 8 replies
I can't seem to locate in Perth yet, the Canna Tera Vega, and Flore. I keep reading about it, but the couple of retailers I've tried don't have it. Have any Perthites seen it around? Info much appreciated.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 6 replies
hello everyone and keep up good work,if plants r well rooted is thrive recconmened by anyone, as if in pots with a good potting soil ,not convient and not experienced with manures and dont want to overdose,but can other stuff be added on top 4 extra growth and yield on top of thrive,i think the potting soil has slight manure content,thanks heaps,full dose 1/4 1/2 as transplanted clones from in to out have been only giving water as yet,thanks alot
Last reply by Buddy, -
- 4 replies
hey everyone,i was telling a mate that half nutrient of thrive,is no good yet until bigger as insi wincy babies,can anyone help,i know now thrive is shit anyway or is it please tell,when would you add it,etc,thanks
Last reply by Valley Villain, -
- 12 replies
hey dudes,just wondering what is best manure 4 vegative stage and flowing stage,can youse give best mixes,do i make into a liqiud,do i give each time i water,please be exact as dont know,thanks alot
Last reply by erix4twenty, -
Hi Can anyone help a frustrated pom, I am trying to find some info on Yield Master Sudden Impact, Price Manafacturer etc, any news greatly appreciated, Styl BD :mellow:
- 0 replies
hey everyone,has anyone heard of rapid raiser,is it any good?
Last reply by cheech#1, -
- 4 replies
hey everyone,fucken somthing eating the leaves,plants still look healthy only a few have been nibbled on,how do i know when 2 treat,is this just nature,or will cunts keep eating ,i have in green house,what suggestions,and what would i use 2 treat, allpurpose sorta thing ,havent seen anything eating when attending the ladies,please help
Last reply by wade ounce,