General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Hey all, im running a few CF(100w)'s off a 600 watt 240v inverter, the inverter is powerd by 2 x 50 WATT solar panels(12v 10amps each). Im wondering is it possible to run a few HPS's(say 2x 600 w) off the inverter or doesnt it have enough power. ie 600 watt HPS on a 600 watt inverter would use 600 watts of power.. :angry: The electricty isnt the cleanest either its quite variable ranging from 10v to 13.6v constantly so that might blow the globe, pehaps i should mod a few things for cleaner power. Anyway can any1 help me out here kinda stuck if i want to go more into hydro or not than bush. Im trying to find a cheap alternative to get rid of the fat power bi…
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 12 replies
Just wanted to know if/when I can cut some of the big leaves that seem to be blocking/shading the light to the little stems at the bottom of the plant ...its getting really bushy and crowded in there if you know what i mean... and can i cut and prune the plant as it grows ? Thanks anyway Peace
Last reply by F420, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Ok,these bubble bag thing's seem to be the go when it come's to making the hash! Got a coupla q's about them; :whistling 1.Has any other member used these thing's, 2.If ya have were they any good, 3.Are they easy ebnough to use, 4.And are they worth the $$$$$ ???? Ant feedback will be appreciated. :thumbsup
Last reply by jackfrost, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
hey im new to growing mj and realy need help my friend gave me some seeds and this plant poped up its in good soil and im useing blood and bone at the moment but i need more tips for a outdoor plant :scratchin :scratchin
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
Ok someone: The leafs are curling down from the ends, bottom leafs yellow with brown spots. 5 gal bubbler, 400w hps hort, double airstone, nutes BC, at 270, ph 5.67,nute temp. 74f, room temp. 75f, lights 15" above temp at top of plant 82f. I tried flushing out with distilled water and clearex for 24 hours replaced back in nutes, didn't work. I NEED HELP!!!!!!
Last reply by Pickle, -
My plant is 6" with 8 nodes can I start LST now, mabey some more info about this will help too. Sorry for all the dumb questions but I have a short memory prob. from a bad accident. I can read your grow guide and forget what I read before im half way thru it so please bear with me.
Last reply by F420, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Here's a good one for everyone. Does there exist any product/s that may inhibit the growth of algae in an outdoor resevoir, without harming the growth of higher plant species ?
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
Happy New Year all. :thumbsup I need to know if I put it in a clone box, the one on killer clones, I made a box like it. after it roots, then if I put it in hydroton balls then in a dome with humidity, and 20w flo. spray it twice a day with ph adj. water will it stay good till roots come out of the bottom of pot. I want to do this because I can't seem to get the roots to come out if I place it in the bubbler. If you need more info just yell.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 8 replies
Hey , How do I tell the difference between a male or female, It is said you can tell as soon as they start to sprout or do you have to wait till they begin flowering. I'm new at growing so any help is appreciated! I have 4 plants growing but I don't want a male near the female. Should I keep the male in a different room though! Thanx
Last reply by novice grower, -
- 6 replies
Hey all , just got a HPS light an balast off a friend for a while, and when i got home and looked closely i noticed theres a 600w globe in there ?! I swithed it on , for curiositys sake, and it fired up ok, but im not gonna use it till i find out more.... My buddys quite a grower so is it possible he moddifed the ballast to run the 600w? Or is the globe just running with the 400w its supplied with ? ie not its fullest rating? Can i run it ? Basically thats all i wana know Either that or he jus gave me the wrong stuff!! Peace
Last reply by Flange, -
- 4 replies
im planing a new grow in the next couple of mnths, got some ak47 on order nearly $200 for the beans so i hope there that good, the down side is im going to have to grow in a rental unit flat or something, im planing to convert a large fidge for the purpose as i feel it might be best for stealth, 400w globe, does anyone else grow at rental props? i was thinking of fitting my doow locks so knowone can poke around if im not there inspections etc, I know it sucks for safety but i gota smoke and cant stand buying also i wont know anyone at all where im moving to. and the expense of buying gets cripling money wise.
Last reply by Brainstorm, -
- 420 Crew
- 20 replies
just wondering if anyone here, instead of leaving the lights on for 12 hours constantly, has put the light on for 6 hours on, 6 hours off, 6 hours on then 6 hours off??? may sound stupid but i had a dream about it last night and dont think i'll be able to get it outter my head unless i try it or find out from a fellow grower :smoke im not too sure what would happen, probably make ya plants go hermi or something but never know, the gap in the grow cycle might make the buds bigger and better, who knows :scratchin if u do, leave a reply
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone, hope that your all having a great x-mas season and will party hard on the new year. I'm about to embark on a new system, (when do I not? ) and this time it's a pair of rockwool slabs in libra trays, with 3 plants each under the ol' 400w. I may well be upgrading to 600w when I get an opportunity, but the heat is hard enough to control with a 400 in a small cupboard, let alone a 600. Maybe when I get myself a decent shade.... Anyway, I'm rambling here. You can see a basic description of the system at, for convenience sake I'll provide both the main page, here... and the growing schedule, describing the system here... The problem is that…
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Since im moving quite soon ill no longer have the space inside or the privacy outside to grow and i have round 80 left over seeds of various strains coming from nirvana and MJOZ. Wheres the best place to sell off these seeds? Thanks Merry Xmas and Happy New Year everyone
Last reply by F420, -
I have a bunch of fairly old seeds (a few years) which I placed in a cup of water to soak before germinating, and on each one, there seems to be a little bubble coming out from the top of the seed. Does this mean they have air in them and aren't viable?
Last reply by Spurious,