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Going to get back to it



Recently I have had an extended grow break of about 4 months :thumbdown: .............hasnt been all that fun :crap: ........ but soon I will be in a position to grow again :haha:


I was really starting to get a bit funny without a plant around ......I dont know if pot is addictive , but I know for sure that growing it is


Seeing how I havent grown in a while I was thinking what I could do ....so many choices ......I couldnt go past my favorite , pebbles in pots having small trees .....no tipping no scrog no touching .....I realy like watching how they form their own little shape ........ :bonsai:


But , I dont know :scratchin: , wouldnt mind doing a mini seed run again .............probly not because there isnt anything to smoke when youve finished ........which sucks .......plus I should have enough seeds for a little now


Going to plant a couple Wr x Purp seeds (I call this one Sting) a couple Wr x 2-2-2 , a couple Wr x 4-3-4 and a couple NL seeds ...... :applause:

Been gagging to get some of these in some rockwool...


So ill probly just do something small at the start again and build up to something bigger after Ive done a smallish crop .... I was going to go crazy and whip out all my gear and grow again but I should be happy as with any plants going atm


I cant wait ...its like a growers christmas :santa:


Cheers :wave: Brimstond


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