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How life gets in the way of a well planned schedule



Well ...had the ball rolling .. nice little plants in a nice little area :thumbsup: then bam.....had to go on holiday :P


Come back after 2 and a half weeks and the plants are massive and well out of control , about 30cms bigger than I wanted :thisbig: ... so first step was to take 6 clones off each of the female mothers and a the male I selected and ditch the rest ....opened it up a bit


At this time I should have the clones taken and the mothers going into bud with the selected male for a seed run ....should be about 2 weeks in bud right now :ermm:


I didnt want to setup my big tent , so only way I can finish out these plants in the current room is to trim the mothers down to fit the room


But me being one not to waste anything have decided to just keep taking clones instead of just cutting the mothers down to fit the room... this is going to take more time :doh:


I am just going to bud out the girls and boy now while still taking clones in the mean time .... I have had to clone during bud before and it seems to work fine enough


Should be allright though ..... :haha:


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