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Should have seen the crap.....



Well I am learning all right ......when a season messes up and you dont get the quota for the year ...... you gota lower you standards or go without.... :thumbdown:


Shoulda seen the shit I had to procure today... :thumbdown: top dollar mind you ....


I'm going to go look through some trim ...this stuff is woeful ..............I gave it a chance , the benefit , but no matter what you do you cant polish a turd :crap:


Definatly learning still ........


I pretty sure this person grows this shit every year too ....haha poor buggar must keep his taste buds in his arse because they cant be in his mouth haha


Lesson = If you want to smoke good herb then grow your own :thumbsup:


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Hi Auntynorm


yeah ... kinda new that from a long time ago but something pops up every now and then to refresh my memory ........


I went through some old leaf and trim and found some buds (just some little strawberries)...... :thumbsup: got me wasted .....good thing I hadn't cooked with it yet


still trying to build myself up to smoke that other "weed" I got ....oh well


just gota prepare better next year I rekon

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haha funny you should say that because thats what I'm doing .....the cabbage I got is improving the buds I baught :thumbsup:


still pretty sad but still smoking though


and if you where running around smoking nothing but the best all the time how would you know it was the best , it would be just average .....but if you smoke the good and the bad you can fully appreciate the good stuff when it comes along ......


there is allways a bright side... :applause:

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