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It's a Blog

Entries in this glog

Opening Up The Blogs

High Stoners, A little while ago we adjusted the blogs to allow everyone above the "New Members" group the ability to create private or friends only blogs, the reason for which we did this was in anticipation of opening the blogs up to guests and allowing you to choose if you would like them to be public or not, as 90% of the forums are for members only this provides you with an area where you get to choose what's public and what's not.   If you object to this move for whatever reason please let



I'll Be Blogged! What's A Blog?

Hey Stoners, and welcome to the blogs.   I'm sure most of you know what a blog is and may even have a few you visit regularly and perhaps even blog away yourself long into the night and day, but for those of you that have been wondering what exactly is a blog I decided to start this blog with a blog on blogging.   So what is a blog?   Well firstly why the word blog? Blog is taken from the words "web log" and is simply the term for an online log or journal where you can choose to further express



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