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Hey Stoners, and welcome to the blogs.


I'm sure most of you know what a blog is and may even have a few you visit regularly and perhaps even blog away yourself long into the night and day, but for those of you that have been wondering what exactly is a blog I decided to start this blog with a blog on blogging.:blink:


So what is a blog?


Well firstly why the word blog? Blog is taken from the words "web log" and is simply the term for an online log or journal where you can choose to further express yourself and creativity, as having a blog is much like your own personal web space all about you. It can take a little getting used to however most of it's pretty user friendly and straight forward so if you've never blogged before you should be on your way in no time. The fact it's all integrated with forums makes it easier of course too.


If you want to change the layout of your blog page like I have all you have to do is drag and drop, you can also add more default and custom "Content Blocks" and 420Crew members can also create private blogs for themselves and if they wish inviting whoever they wish to read them.

For a good start with using these blogs and to make life easier check out the "Community Blog Help" file first.


Anyway peoples hope you all like the new blog option as much as we do because now we can all get blogged off our faces!




If you're already a seasoned blogger and got some tips and ideas to share for the rest of the community then blog them here to help everyone get started blogging.


Recommended Comments

Yay! I kinda really love my blogs... Have had blogs on and off for 6 or 7 years now.

I don't really have any advice to give but am willing to be of assistance if it is needed of anyone. ^_^


Have fun!


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I need some help. i am a recreational smoker and am giving my first attempt at growing this season. ive been reading up alot, i think i will be ok to grow but i need some tips on trimming plants. have a small idea about it but if anyone has any good tips on how to thicken up plants i would like to know them. Cheers
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I need some help. i am a recreational smoker and am giving my first attempt at growing this season. ive been reading up alot, i think i will be ok to grow but i need some tips on trimming plants. have a small idea about it but if anyone has any good tips on how to thicken up plants i would like to know them. Cheers
how you get on..there are lots of different ways to grow u seem to be on the right track,it will take u 3 or 4 times before you really get the hang of it .if you control the light you plant gets you can grow it 4 times a yr..once you have your mother plant you can have flowers every 8weeks ,fun good luck
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:bongon: Hello to all. I am so glad that the laws have changed. I think that cannabis is a better medication then all of the man made pills out there. So finally we have a right to make our own choice on what we use to cure what ells us. We have a bit of a problem with our girls though. We have a few plants that have curling leafs. They are all a nice green color and they look healthy except for the leafs. Does anyone know what the problem may be. Thanks and HAPPY GROWING. magdorf1
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Hi all im new to Oz stoners. new to smoking weed ( found out its great for my medical condition) and I am wondering why is ti we don;t all stand up and be noticed and force the changes and policy's regarding cannabis. There seems to be alot of interest and many members in our community and there only real way to change things is the hard way.

Tomorrow never comes guys and gals and change will never happen unless we all become more proactive

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