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a stoners blog: grows, goofs and griefs (language warning)

Entries in this glog

page 3

DMP, my sati male clone back to its original leaf shape   there are at least 4 male clones in this pic, CH BD DS and DMP (maybe 2 DS my bad, lost its tag)   2 Gunks   Some new stuff on the way....

Innocent criminal

Innocent criminal

page 2

rooted JTR#3 clones ready for planting   a random sample   Jillybean with Sensi Skunk#1 behind (10" pots)   A couple of Double stone   DS male

Innocent criminal

Innocent criminal

A dump

Black Death out back   one of the better bagseed seedlings   double tipped CH clone (fem)   CH male

Innocent criminal

Innocent criminal

Oh so bright

Cranked up the 600w M/H in the bunker yesterday, moved all the potted plants from the cab in there, potted 15 rooted clones today and put them in as well... that makes a dozen strains in there now Now there are just the 4 mums and 15 fresh JTR clones in the cab...   ahh space

Innocent criminal

Innocent criminal

cab update

Getting overgrown again, cant wait for the weather to cool down a bit so I can get the bunker cranking and make some space... Apart from lack of space, no major dramas, seedlings are healthy but a little slow, JillyBean is back to 5 fingers, my BD male has grown into the fan, the CB is back but a little burnt around the edges and I have twenty something clones that need potting up   More in a few day...

Innocent criminal

Innocent criminal

New stuff

bwahahahha, bagseed going mad, 26 days from soak...   cab thinned out, then packed full...     Strain list in there is now... BD BD(domina) CB CH CS DS DMP Gunk JB JTR#3 Skunk#1 SL +the bagseed seedlings  

Innocent criminal

Innocent criminal


The mist maker in my CB's pot fucked up, got home to this... water temp must have been about 45 or 50 degrees   Flushed with cool nutes mix with cannazyme in it, hope she picks up again, otherwise have to fall back on the apical...     While there I finished off mounting the cooltube in the bunker, room is ready to go, just need to get some plants in there (get a system running to put em in first)

Innocent criminal

Innocent criminal

Bagseed move in

Moved my bagseed seedlings into the cab tonight, like Chron I decided to repot them into straight coco coir for the move inside.   Started off by running boiling water through ten 4" pots, to kill any bugs/eggs/spore ect that may be present. I then made up 10 lt's of half strength coco nutes and added some cannazyme to the mix (8lt for washing the roots, 2 for watering in). It was then a simple case of carefully letting the seedraising mix fall away from the seedlings and then rising in the nute

Innocent criminal

Innocent criminal

Very nice bagseed indeed

Here are the seedlings from the bagseed I soaked 11 days ago... tray is to stop the blackbirds digging them up!   They might be bagseed, but they came from some A-grade commercial hydro, so they will be decent smoke at the least.  

Innocent criminal

Innocent criminal

Kick started

This is the seed making pot again, giving them a week of long nights has kicked them into flower nicely, with no sign of reverting to veg at this early stage (they have been back on normal daylight hours for a fortnight). So I suppose they are somewhere in week 4 of bloom, looking nice...    

Innocent criminal

Innocent criminal

Heat combat

The bloom room is on the way , I got the new sewerpipe for the NFT sys today, and drilled the holes for the NFT cups to sit in, 3 pipes (1500mm long), 8 cups per pipe (145mm apart). These will replace the rockwool filled pipes in the existing setup. Also a mate had a jupiter2 light mover that wasn't working, he gave it to me to fix, I stripped it down, fixed the slipping drive axle then reassembled it, good as new (almost). Combine that baby with the cool tube and I'm not going to

Innocent criminal

Innocent criminal

Orgy at my place

My favorite plant is male!!!! shit!!!   ah well, make the best of a bad situation...   5 clones, 4 fems (not telling) and a male (DMP), all just starting to bloom.   They will go bush somewhere remote until he has done the deed, then the ladies will come home to fatten up.   P.S. the resulting hybrid is to be named "First Floor" cos thats how tall its should be .

Innocent criminal

Innocent criminal

The good and the bad.

Well, the DWC system in my mum cab is up and cranking, two out of four plants got hanging roots after 48 hours, all showing excellent growth except the Celtic Berry, which is still looking a bit sad, but I think its coming good. jtr3 Celtic berry Bagseed(sort of) Completed my top feed system system, then promptly decided I didnt need it and turned it into a recirculation system for the buckets instead . Excessive maybe, but should make this system even better, ensuring even nute and temp dis

Innocent criminal

Innocent criminal

Let there be light

Got my new 220w 6400k cfl the other day, just need to get a socket for it now this should make me mums grow quicker, its going in a box about 500x1200x750h   Edit: Just did major renovation on the cab, got a socket for cfl, so its all up n running now...  

Innocent criminal

Innocent criminal


2/7 cuts showing roots last night (7days old) another 2 showing this morning   Moved 6 purple seeds (sprouting in jiffy pellets) in with the clones the other day as they seemed slow to come up, all up 48 hrs later   think I got ripped off on ebay, paid for a 220w cfl 5 days ago, havnt heard a peep from seller since   Edit: day 9 now, all clones except #1 showing roots, #1 is the largest clone, off the tallest plant.   Ebay issue resolved, globe on the way

Innocent criminal

Innocent criminal

no changes

nothing new to report, clones are looking good, taken 5 days ago this evening, a couple had a bit of wilt earlier in the week (too warm I think), the layer of damp perlite and extra misting fixed that. single sati dom is still a bit limp Parents are scruffy but will give more clones if these fail, and I can keep the clones and flip the parents. 12 BS look good, look to be typical 50/50 hybrid, ready to go bush on sunday arvo I hope.   6 purple seeds still not popping up, but its been pretty

Innocent criminal

Innocent criminal

and we're away...

Got a heat mat over the weekend, so I took the apical off each of my 7 indoor seedlings, the parent plants will be flipped for sex, then the fem clones used for mums. considering letting a couple of males go and gathering some pollen to make some seeds as well. Clones are in Jiffy pellets, sitting on a bed of perlite with a clone dome over the top and heat mat underneath. They are sitting at one end of my cab with a 20w cfl over them.   My outdoors plants are going great as well, 15 thriving out

Innocent criminal

Innocent criminal

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