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The good and the bad.

Innocent criminal


Well, the DWC system in my mum cab is up and cranking, two out of four plants got hanging roots after 48 hoursblogentry-15537-1228131552_thumb.jpg, all showing excellent growth except the Celtic Berry, which is still looking a bit sad, but I think its coming good.


Celtic berryblogentry-15537-1228277358_thumb.jpg

Bagseed(sort of) blogentry-15537-1228277499_thumb.png blogentry-15537-1228277534_thumb.jpg

Completed my top feed system system, then promptly decided I didnt need it and turned it into a recirculation system for the buckets instead lol . blogentry-15537-1228277111_thumb.jpgblogentry-15537-1228277293_thumb.jpgblogentry-15537-1228277312_thumb.jpg

Excessive maybe, but should make this system even better, ensuring even nute and temp distribution.

Also decided airstones weren't working hard enough, so I switched a couple onto the pump from my main sys, which is inactive atm, now they are cranking.

After all that they are putting on mad growth, noticeable daily, all got good hanging roots, so I started a little LST to promote branching.


Thats the good


bad shit this week.....


busted my bong lol one of the lugs that the ice is meant to sit on snapped off, luckily a clean break, leaving a 10mm hole in the side, bit of duct tape is working as a temp fix. I will have to go for a drive to and get a new one soon as that was my spare, good one got smashed a month back.


Got a bunch of air pumps off ebay, all of em are stuffed :sdj: even though the add said they worked, so I ripped into the guy and he's refunded my cash.


Had a bunch of seedlings eaten by something, which sucks cos it was 3 CB and a couple more of dads sativa strain.


and the plant from my bro's plant was male, so it and its clone are gone, thought about keeping for polen, but to be honest, it wasnt looking that good.


thats it for now, off to smoke some more bubble lol



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