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ok i can buy ballasts on ebay for 30 f40 bucks so i would need the bulb and a reflector and thats it right the bulb 30 at most i hope ballast i can manke so does this mean i can just buy the light reflector and ballast diffrently and only have to spend 1/5 of the price thats great please tell me im right todays been a good day i dont want this to not be right it would put a black spot on my day
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heres the one i was talking about before http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW

holy shit i just found something else on ebay its




what do you guys think good deal even if half of them dont work it s only a 4 hour drive gimme a half and $40 for gas and im good but yeah besdies that is that a good deal do you guys think if so im going to get it

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If you are getting this stuff to run in oz it wont work as we are 240v and the US is 120v you will burn them out real quick, you can get all the stuff u need from ebay australia and if you hunt around all the hock shops the odds are thay you will find the whole set up pretty cheap, i got my 400w hps with a small bat wing and a 2nd hand globe for $90 from cashconverters, and if you do buy a 2nd hand one spend another $20 to have it looked at by a sparkey to make sure it is still safe to use better save then sorry. Edited by ozmade
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well the thing is is i am strapped for cash ive already rounded up 175 and thats taken a couple of weeks and they will need that light soon so im trying to find a fast way to get a light and im in the usa so i dont have to worry about that the plug any suggestions on how to get them cheap whole kits are to expenseve what about the floros i could make a whole room into a clone room with those which i would love to do and damn thats a shame with the mecury

and once again all i need is a bulb to go with the ballast correct???

Edited by fsagertyaef
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Those fluros you can use to grow but you will do a lot better with the 600w hps and yes all u would need to get is a reflector and globe, with the reflector make sure it has the lead that goes to the ballest and has the bit were u screw the globe in and u will be up and running in no time.
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