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You would have problems trying to cool it with just one 600w but it could be done, expensive but possible using air cooled hoods and good ventilation (maybe an air conditioner as well), that size cupboard is more suited to a 400w. I would be looking at a much larger grow room for those lights, one with around four times the floor space and at least 60cm higher too.



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Yeah, I'd be looking at a 400w, perhaps even going down to a 250 in that space. Ventilating 2x600w would be a nightmare with that space.


Headspace would be a serious issue, a minimum of 180cm is realistic for a 400w kit, although smaller systems can be used. You may be more suited to using compact fluoro units, like the spectrum 130w's. B)

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As Luke pointed out, you really don't have the height for those lights either, unless you are planning to grow using the SoG or ScroG method that is. Air cooled hoods and centrifugal fans are not cheap or quiet, have you considered spending the cash on a larger grow room that can use the 600w's to their full potential yielding around a pound each?



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As Luke pointed out, you really don't have the height for those lights either, unless you are planning to grow using the SoG or ScroG method that is. Air cooled hoods and centrifugal fans are not cheap or quiet, have you considered spending the cash on a larger grow room that can use the 600w's to their full potential yielding around a pound each?




I'll be using some sort of screening method for sure. I realise air cooled hoods and centrifugal fans are not cheap, but I think they'll be necessary for this sort of setup.


I am currently unable to have a larger grow roow. I would really love one, but can't due to where I live.


The stealth element I am looking for is that if some one had a quick look in the room they wouldn't notice anything out of place.

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