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Habanero Peppers?

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I've been growing some peppers I got from a friend for several weeks. No results yet, but I'm not surprised.


Anyway, the last couple weeks the newer leaves have been sort of shrivled and a little dry looking. They're the same color as everything else, just wrinkled and slower growing.


I'll admit I don't have much experience with plants, if you couldn't already tell. I tried watering em with a little bit of Miracle Grow (general nutrient powder meant to be dissolved in water and fed to plants. medium-high nitrogen content, I think) and that worked for a couple days, but now they're not so good anymore.


Anyone have any solutions?

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::detective2:: Damn... that's nasty....


Yeah, could be that, but we really need more information about your climate, aspect, soil/media, all those little things. It could be a micronutrient deficiency, it could be bugs, it could be cold damage or even pesticide/herbicide drift which has caused your prob...


A pic would be ideal... :devilred:

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yeah and dont touch your face either


those habaneros can get so hot (if grown in hot dry conditions) that u can blister your face


I recall vividly when i was cutting some up one time and my g/f on the other sid of ttable could feel her lips burning from the vapours


I wiped my brow and spen the next 1/2 hour in agony in the shower trying to wash it off

left a big red mark across by forehead for a few days

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Hehe. I've had some of these things before, so I know how crazy they can be. My friend actually probably overdosed one of his plants on miracle grow, but the only difference between it and an ordiniary one was that the peppers came out nearly twice as big. :detective2: He gave five or so of these which I used in nachos and homemade hot sauce. Couldn't taste anything else for a day or two after each one.


Anyway, I'm in south Florida, US. I'm growing the plant outside in some kind of ceramic/plaster pot hat I've had for a long time thats probably about 10 inches high by 12 in diameter. It doesn't have any holes for draining, unless they're small and escaped my notice somehow.


I don't remember which soil I decided to use for these. I think it was general potting soil with some nutrients to get it started. Not too sure about the pH.


As for bugs, I noticed occasional holes in my leaves when it was starting to grow and saw some ants climbing around on the plant, but that was a few weeks ago. It's been a while sinse I really noticed any visable parasites.


I'm thinking that part of the problem is that of the seeds that I planted, one or two of the ones that grew were a little spaced out and are still pretty small, and the other, big one might actually be a shitload of plants growing from one area. This would be because I got lazy in the planting and didn't really break up that group of seeds after removing it from one of the peppers.


I'm thinking this is probably at least part true, because my friend's plants look like single stalks that branch out a little near the top. Mine looks like a 1 ft high bush with 5-10 branching stalks coming from one spot.


Hope that info helps. It's about as much as I can give.

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Well, I talked to someone and they told me that they're probably getting a little too much sun now that they're maturing and it's getting near summer around here. I'm going to move them to the west side of my house so they get half a day's worth of light (they were on the south side before).


Still, if anyone has any other suggestions I could use them.

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I am growing Habanero peppers...they like a lot of water during flowering? and the leaves look like the plants burnt or about to die...if underwatered...Give em a good soak and if that doesnt fix the problem then you need to look at every other aspect.


I Have mine in soil and its now almost winter nad they are still producing some hellish hot habaneros and loads of them..when many other peoples are dead at this time of the year...I soak mine and then let em dry out..then soak..etc etc...

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Well, I talked to someone and they told me that they're probably getting a little too much sun now that they're maturing and it's getting near summer around here. I'm going to move them to the west side of my house so they get half a day's worth of light (they were on the south side before).


Still, if anyone has any other suggestions I could use them.

If you can plant it in the ground. i did that to mine and it started growing so much faster.
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Even in south Fla, it is still winter here in the US. It's the quality and number of hours of light that you should be looking at.

Some types of peppers do have a wavy leaf, that's normal. Unless you start dropping leaves, or get a discoloration, just water them and wait for more sunlight.

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