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Hey Just thought id add my thoughts on the saliva testing.Im in perth so luckily they havent introduced this law yet but if and when they do it will cause a lad of shit.Almost everyone here in perth smokes even if its a occasional joint at a party.I myself am stoned all the time and have NEVER had or caused a accident in a motor vehicle.Does anyone know what the penalty's are for getting caught stoned when driving?.If they suspend your license or somthing then bloody half of perth will have to walk everywhere.This law sucks.. :angry:
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Hey barfly sounds to me like you have your head screwed on right,you see im starting a new job on a minesite in qld in 10 days,by the way in live in perth and am a father like you so how do you explain to your kids that you wanna be broke so you can keep smoking(unless you dont give a shit about your kids)also i believe that unions have their rightful place on any site to stop employers from screwing us.So you geriatric hippy seems you are the only dumbass that values pot over family and life!! p.s i miss smokin pot like hell :) baa
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The idea of a cannabis smokers union has come up in discussions here over the last few days.


Imagine it.


We need something to unite our culture because in our current disconnected every man for himself state we keep getting picked off one by one, and the genocide continues...


I don't expect you to do anything dude, but the reality is you are choosing your job over your family, whether you continue to smoke or not.


I don't earn a lot of money, your weekly is close to my monthly. Your choice.


I can go and earn the big $$$ if I choose to.


Instead, I choose to participate in my children's lives by being there for them. Quite literally.


Okay, so we don't have the latest PS2 games or the flashest of cars on the block, great big fat hairy deal. Our kids spend their spare time with the Mrs and I, and we all enjoy each others company, growing and learning together.


Hey, and you know what?


If that makes me a hippie, then fuck it, I'm a happy hippie who spends all his time with the people he loves rather than digging holes for money and being concerned about how to cheat on drug tests.


I'd rather be poor and honest, and teach my children the true value of time.


Your kids, your choice, your loss.

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Hey we eat every day, sometimes twice...:)


I see a huge difference between particpating in their lives and being a part of their lives.


And if I need 20 years where I work at home and make fuck all money, then I'm damned well going to take it and do what I see as the right thing for my kids.


I'd much rather raise them myself than leave that most important of tasks to anybody else. I cant get the sort of job where "the company" is God, the be all and end all of my financial well being, and I'm not sure I'd want one.


Sure, the money would make life easier sometimes, but seriously, it doesn't compare even remotely to the joy I get spending the extra time interacting with my family.


Mate, don't get me wrong, I don't think ill of you for choosing the lifestyle over the life.


And I understand that you think its a gain.


I suspect for you though spending as much time with your children as I spend with mine would drive you fuckin' batty.


If it didn't you wouldn't need all that purchased entertainment to keep them occupied, now would you?


Didn't think so...

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well Just my input on this via having a fulltime job or spending time with the kids?


All I can say is there are night shifts, and weekend work that pays as much as fulltime.

sometimes better than fulltime work as it at penalty rates.


I myself work all weekend every weekend, this is FULLtime work and i get sick pay, annual leave ets.


Sure I dont get to play with the kids on the weekend as im working, BUT i get them up get them ready for school, take them to school, Pick them up from school and they are at home with me after 3pm.

I often have to help in the classroom with my Autistic child, and being home during the day allows me to do this.

I also walk to school and pick them up from the classroom.


We go to parks, go fishing, motorbike riding.

or we just blob out after school and play xbox games etc with them.


So mate it is possible to work fulltime AND do the kids thing fulltime.


EG- I dont want my kids raised with no money for fun or xbox games etc, why should they miss out just because I cant get off my ass and get a job??


I suspect for you though spending as much time with your children as I spend with mine would drive you fuckin' batty.


If it didn't you wouldn't need all that purchased entertainment to keep them occupied, now would you?


spending so much time with the kids does make ya crazy at times, but I wouldnt giv e it up for the world.


These kids not only expect these things, but they are shunned at school and bullied by the kids that do have the good things in life. Why let the kids learning at school be effected also.


Not only that why would you deprive your kids of playing games and having fun, just because a person cant be fucked working and earning the money it takes to give them all these gizmos etc.



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You dont get it, I choose to spend the time with them, not chase more money than I need. Realistically, actually need.


If I decide the kids want a playstation, they get a playstation. Fuck, the computer I'm typing on is a P-4, and has broadband satellite internet. Hey, and its mine and we're the only cunts in the valley with b/b...


Woopdie fucking do.


How is choosing to spend time with your children, educating and interacting, earning enough as opposed to excess money, how in any way does this make me a lesser person? I wont "get off my arse and earn some spending dollars" to get the latest materialistic crap?


Bet you had all the Pokemon Cards huh? Impressive.


My kids learned to kill and gut dinner while yours were exploring the wonders of Ashley and his little animated butt-fuck Peek@poo...


Well the older ones have learned, but the young uns are about due to be taught to survive in the real world as opposed to live in the material world, and at the appropriate time, they will be.


My teenage daughter who grew up with our methods is one of the few fulltime employed young people these days, straight out of year 12 into the career of her choosing. She doesn't abuse drugs or alcohol to excess. She's a respectable young woman with a future.


Now, she's got a bit of maturity about her, she can make her own decisions as to what's important in her life. Whether she chooses to pursue financial goals, or not is up to her. But she wasn't ingrained with it, she has choice.


Will your kids have the choice?


She is capable, intelligent, her self esteem is in tact. I do not have to fear for my daughter because I have raised her well.


Point being that just because I'm on a different path than you choose to walk, doesn't mean I'm lost.

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Generic hippy, you have lost the way, i started this thread just to see what other people thought on saliva testing in the foreseeable future,you have somehow turned all this into a debate on how materialistic we are in comparison to your particular lifestyle.If you are happy with your life then good on ya mate,everyone has different personel circumstances,for myself and myself only in this day and age with inflation and all the rest of the crap that goes with it,the only way i can afford to buy a house in the area i want to spend the rest of my life in and my children to grow up in is to make a personel sacrifice in order to get the cash together to even begin to think of buying my home,therefore giving my children some security in the future.In my opinion and i did say my own opinion for my own circumstances there can be no gain without sacrifice and if that means having to work away for awhile in order to give my children what they need (not just what they want) then i shall do this.Im sure your kids are happy with their way of life and you are good parents but i think what everyone is trying to say on here is that we are all trying to be the best parents we know how to be for our kids.so instead of slinging shit at each other how about seeing if anyone knows of any changes in drug testing in the forseeable future... :thumbsup
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OK then... back on topic!


JJC, that light thing sounds like complete BS to me. Just like the advice of "don't drive home from a hydroponics shop as you might be followed" - I'm not saying it's never happened, but it sure would not be the norm.


That light thing though, has the true ring of an urban myth.


Anyway, back to the topic.


I have heard (and now I'm not sure where... sorry) that the saliva tests can only detect MJ that has been recently ingested, so to be safe you should leave a window of 6 -12 hours. This has something to do with the THC being excreted through your saliva. Presumably after 12 hours it is no longer in the saliva but IS in your blood/urine/hair.


Like I say, I read this recently but am not sure where.


As far as Victorian penalties go, the 1st time they catch you it's about $300 fine + 2 demerit points and the 3rd time you lose your licence for 3 - 6 months. No conviction is recorded and it doesn't go to court unless you contest it. In order for them to issue you with a fine you have to test positive on 3 different saliva tests. The roadside one, a more "sophisticated" one in the nearby van and by an independant lab. Only when you fail each one will you be tested subsequently.


If you fail the 1st two they take your sample to be processed at the lab (takes about two weeks) and you can't drive for 4 hours.


This is important as they obviously think you'll be OK to drive after 4 hours, which supports the 6 - 12 hour thing above. They sure wouldn't say "you're alright to drive after 4 hours" if you were gonna test positive again without smoking.


As a Victorian driver I have been following this with a great deal of interest and I must say, anger. Just because they can prove you have THC in your system that doesn't mean you are stoned.


In fact the 1st guy they "caught" was named in the media numerous times and even openly criticised by one of the commercial news shows, and then his 3rd test came back negative. He had been told he was unfit to drive and publicly embarrassed in the mass media only to be found completely innocent.


I personally have no problems with taking stoned drivers off the road, but I certainly do have a problem with personal rights being infringed for a reason that turns out not to be justified.


In the 1st month of this trial prgram they had tested ~400 drivers, stopped ~100 from driving again immediately and only found about 5 people who actually returned a positive result on the 3rd test. More have been charged since, but I'm sure the ratios would be similar.


If I ever get done for it I will certainly fight it as much as I can. Like I say, proving you have THC in your body is not the same as proving that you're stoned!

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