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Ohio Medical Marijuana Act, Bill Introduced



Here's something I found.




Dayton Alliance for Medical Marijuana Reform


Date: February 18, 2005





DAYTON, OH -- The Dayton Alliance for Medical Marijuana Reform is pleased to learn that Ohio Senator, Robert Hagan (D-33) has introduced the Ohio Medical Marijuana Act (OMMA) on Thursday.


Activist and Director of the Dayton Alliance for Medical Marijuana Reform Tonya Davis suffers from pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHP) and Degenerative Disc Disease/ spinal conditions among other debilitating conditions. She believes that if she chooses to use Marijuana instead of highly addictive Pain killers on market that should be between her and her doctor no one else. Studies show marijuana would be a viable treatment to control chronic pain and suffering caused by her conditions.


She says, People like Montel Williams, or those suffering from other chronic illnesses should have the right to (with Doctors permission) use Cannabis if it a viable option for them. "If I were allowed to use Marijuana Legally and had access to this wonderful herb, I would use it in food or in teas as I do other legal herbs that I am now growing. I don't have a criminal record, so why should I fear jail if I choose this therapy over addictive Morphine which I am allowed to have."


Paula A. Snouffer-Mercer R.N.-C and Natural Health Care Consultant, has a Congenital Malformation of her Venous system and other problems. She believes the sick and dying have a right to choose the kind of natural medicine given to them by any means. Cannabis is a natural form of medicine and does not have the side effects or addiction rate of Schedule II medicines the Doctor prescribes to you..


Worldwide, research has shown Marijuana has medicinal value and purpose... Our own Government did a study that they released in 1999 where $866,000.00 was spent to ignore and outlaw the wonderful plant. If patients had access to marijuana or were allowed to grow it in their home like any other herb (with RX) it would save taxpayers billions of dollars just on the prescription man-made pills they wouldn't need. i.e. Nerve and pain and anti-inflammatory med's i.e. VIoxx which by the way has killed. Marijuana has never killed anyone if used in its natural form and without combination of another substance legal or illegal.


Common sense tells us that marijuana is safe and effective when compared to many other prescription drugs used in the treatment of such severe conditions. Cannabis can be ingested in safe ways. This important legislation will provide the necessary protection from state prosecution of patients, who use medical marijuana in Ohio.


Finally, I believe Marijuana should be used responsibly. The same rules should apply to Marijuana as any other schedule II or III approved drug.


Contact: Tonya Davis

Activist /Director

Dayton Alliance for Medical Marijuana Reform

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