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Pre-flowers and Fert

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Hi all,


I as hoping someone could help me out, I am on my first outdoor grow, started off with 6 seeds, grew them in pots then threw them in the vege garden. They have just sexed themselves, and I have 4 females,(yay) Anyway, is it at this stage that I need to change my fert??

I have been using a brand called Wonder-Gro, by Watkins, (I think it is a new zealand brand, as thats where I live!) The N.P.K is 18:8:15.

Any advice would be appreciated.




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Thanks Spurious

Just thought I would ask? I am going to take some photos of my girls today and post them so you all can have a look and critise them for me. Being my first grow I dont really know alot so all feedback would be great.

Well I'll take some photos when I get back from taking the rats to school


Thanks again Spurious


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post-4831-1108333668_thumb.jpgAnd last of all no 4. This is my favourite looking one, she is the strongest looking of them all and she has had a rough time, my 2 year old son decided to pick some leaves for his mum and ended up splitting it down the stem. I actually covered the damaged part with plastic so no moisture got into the stem, funny enough this plant seems to be thriving on the split, Why would it be doing this?? Sorry the photos arent that clear, only a cheap shitty camera.

Any comments will be taken aboard!!



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Hey thatswho


No 2 is your bigger and better one becasue it looks like it gets more hours of direct sunlight a day.


How many hours of direct sunlight are they recieving.


1 pic has a a little yellowing but its not that bad.


Tying down wont affect your growth rate. It's more putting energy into other branches of the plant.I prefer to tie than top.


Tying you should get more crowns like the main come flower.






^^^^^ this has been tied it would of been pulled even further to the left but i ran out of room any further there,s not enough light.2 branches were pulled in seperate directions the main to the left and the other biggest towards the front of the pic.


see how all the branches are preety much the same height as the main.

Edited by tartass
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Hey Tartass, Thanks for the post, I supose you are right about no 2, and thinking about it I would say she is getting the most sunlight. Number 1 and 2 are getting sunlight all day but 3 and 4 are probably only getting about 5 hours only because that is where they are placed. I never really thought about the sunlight until you brought it up.


What would be causing that yellowing in the 1st pic?? I noticed that yesturday after clearing a few weeds away from it. I thought it might have been because of the weeds blocking the light.


Has any one noticed the pumpkins growing in pics 1 and 2?? I have about 40 of them to get rid of soon, thats going to be a mission. Someone the other day told me to feed them to the cows. Or maybe I have to spend a week making a shitload of pumpkin soup for winter. lol

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