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Reasons cannabis is illegal

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In the U.S. companies ARE competing for the prisons, with or without subsidies my friend, in other countries, like Holland the law don't allowe private prisons.


1092.000.000 labour hours on an annual base. :) do you have any idea of the economical value this has? don't get misguided by the whining gouvernments do of "prisons costing money" offcourse they can not admit that. every lawyer on earth would claim their clients are taken in for profits see!


you know where there's no logic pipeman? they want us to believe there's no profit in 1092.000.000 labour hours. :huh:


sure those buildings and security costs money, it's spread over years like all real estate, the guards costs money too, and medical care and food. sure, but in no proportions of the real profits.

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:) Hey tboat I agree that America has never stopped slavery really. You have minimum wage, wetback labor, etc, it is just part of the american way with bushes extreme right wing administration of doom.

I don't really dispute that America is making money off its prison population, because they have a huge number of prisoners laboring for their freedom.

Sounds like Hitlers old saying "freedom through work"

But Americans cry out thanks "George you all round American hero", helping us achieve the American dream of making us poor, marginalizing us, then falsely convict us, and mandatory sentencing us to American concentration (slave) camps, while forfeiting us of everything we own, to fund your evil regime. This is what happens when voting is not compulsory.

But here in Australia we can make them pay for their actions and blunderings to a greater extent.

Mind you little Johnie has been here for a while, and it don't look like him or his mob are going away for a while longer. It will be a big job (kinda like a long term project) for his government, to dismantle the current prison system, privatise 99% keep 1%, introduce mandatory prison sentences for just about everything, and force those convicted to a labor camp, while seriously f#*king up the constitution by a huge volume of amendments and reppealments to the existing law.

But if the Libs get in the next election with a landslide victory, and win office in the majority of the states it would make them almost unstoppable just like good old "George in the USA". Johnie will kick in the afterburners on the propaganda machine, but it has allready been working overtime - something gotta give soon - bang! something snapped - Johnie and all rich men bring down the liberals again. Sorry John, no more f*#cking things up for you, your licence has been revoked by the people.

I know I never voted for that dork, I place my vote for the mj party over here, and I think more people should. Even more green than the greens!

And after returning home from the voting booth, I always run straight to the bong for some much needed cones to sooth those voting blues away.

Keep frying :huh:


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In the U.S. companies ARE competing for the prisons, with or without subsidies my friend, in other countries, like Holland the law don't allowe private prisons.


1092.000.000 labour hours on an annual base.  :D  do you have any idea of the economical value this has? don't get misguided by the whining gouvernments do of "prisons costing money" offcourse they can not admit that. every lawyer on earth would claim their clients are taken in for profits see!


you know where there's no logic pipeman? they want us to believe there's no profit in 1092.000.000 labour hours. ;)


sure those buildings and security costs money, it's spread over years like all real estate, the guards costs money too, and medical care and food. sure, but in no proportions of the real profits.

hey you might be right tboat, but I'm not convinced. As I said, governments still need to subsidise private prisons. And if prisons could make money so easily in their own right why would the government privatise them in the first place?????


Got any sources with facts & figures?

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YES pipeman! think about this! WHY would that be?


some tips:


- check board of directors at private prisons

- try to imagine "corruption" exists

- think of the consecuenses if any state would admit they make profit on prisoners.

- Check how the (very rare, and few) countries on this planet that have them, came to private prisons. (and check the board of directors again)

- do a "reality check" on the costs-per-day the gouvernment claimes for prisoners.

- calculate 1092.000.000 labour hours in real time money and compaire with the "official stats"

- don't believe everything "official bulletins" have to say, check it yourself.

- pass me that pipe. :D


*nah, no sourses with figures, just common sense but the stats must be there to find, I do know the Dutch gouvernment claimes a prisoner costs about Euro 230.- /day! I did check that and even calculating in their favour I didn't come up with more then Euro 110.- and I even used their misleading stats on the amount of guards.

For Euro 230.- you stay in a ****suite in the middle of Amsterdam, incl. roomserved breakfast, roomserved dinner, cleaning up every day incl. clean sheats, and hotels make profit, they have no clients giving them labour at the same time. reality check huh?

sure, prisons have "different" costs, but are compaireble becouse where a prison needs Xtra money for security, hotels spend on higher real estate costs, Xtra luxury and service. I compaired as good as I could using stats from The Victoria Hotel here, about 2 years ago, it's something that has been keeping me thinking since the very first time I was jailed.

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:D Tboat, I don't dispute that prisons could turn a profit, and from what you have stated that could be happening (and probably is) in the US and some others places today. I belive that australia is following this model and feel that overall that as we head towards the future this kind econoic reasoning is applied to many other industries as well, such as health ,etc. But the fact remains it is never going to be that profitable, the overheads are just so high.

At the end of the day there are many cheaper ways to make big dollars. Mind you that doesn't mean they won't do it.

For example: In the case of a cultivator who is law abiding citizen in every other way who got busted for his 10+ plants, say gets 10+ years(standard sentance) with hard labor to repay this false debt. Hmmm profits are made.

But would it not be cheaper to let him grow his dope, earning his minimum wage(which=big profits), he can have half a job (20hpw), one quarter conditions (works casual), one eigth rights (workers contract), and finally one tenth appeal rights (workplace reforms). Overheads are reduced dramatically. Better to let him grow his plants, or buy the rights to that (legalise but control) and make even bigger profits.

Everything works fine but the last statement (legalise) won't be happening for a looong time. Big bucks in it if they do, though.

It seems that the philosophy of our government is "you screw the people out of everything you can, and with more reforms you screw them some more" worse yet the public votes for it, and that is the sad part really.

Better pass that pipe this way, thanx. ;)


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I'm not like a junky. My house is clean, My lawn is short, and my vegies and flowers are great. I love gardening and smoking. But yeah, I know I shouldn't smoke so much. ~~ Temazapan and pot are the only things that work for me~~

Hey guys....

Ok,I haddta buy into this one,even if I am a little of topic,more a reply....

Ummmmm,do ALL junkies have overgrown lawns,no vegies & dying flowers?I suppose that alkies are only the ones whom drink outta brown paper bags & live on benches in parks....? :rolls eyes:

I suggest that YOU DO get out more........Oh,& may I ask what does make you different from a "junky",or does this only apply to smack not over the counter Benzo's?Coz I can tell you I know may a junkie & the g'ment are the ones who are picking up their Rx bills.

Again,it is all about definition aint it mate...... :rolleyes:

*ABSINTHE*~try Dan Murphys (or the equivalent in ur state) they sell it for $59 for a 750ml bottle.Also,a bar in chapel st that sells it by the shot...$11 a shot....I would walk the 200 metres extra & get the bottle. ;)

*MAKIN $$ OFF OF PPL IN DETENTION*~Man,those drug jails CHARGE for the cells/food,they take money outta the daily wage for these "luxuries"...then the dogs crack the whip over these guys (great rehabilitation) as they pump out more & more pairs of LEVIS & more toys for TOYS'R'US.......Man,PEOPLE JUST SUCK,at times.

Ahhh,those $15 Levis at route 66,they are ex-prisoners jeans that have been shipped over for a quick sale.They get a new pair every 6 months or as they need them & the "trendies" in brunswick think "Oh what a bargin"......what a fuckin bargin alright.I wonder if a pair of them was worn by the 1 person in 25 who was put to death & was innocent....?I also wonder why states that dish out the death penalty have a murder rate of 6.7 while those who dont have a murder rate of 3.4......?

Oh well,I'm out.....this shit just depresses me.When I check out the USA's habitation I dont really see them as a peace loving nation in any way at all...They cull people as we cull kangaroos....."if they dont operate within the bondries of society there are many options for these people,cyanide gas,lethal injection......"



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Guest Urbanhog


*ABSINTHE*~try Dan Murphys (or the equivalent in ur state) they sell it for $59 for a 750ml bottle.Also,a bar in chapel st that sells it by the shot...$11 a shot....I would walk the 200 metres extra & get the bottle.


That "$59 bottle" isnt the real one, its a fake with small amounts of wormwood infusion which contain a chemical called Thjorne (I think sorry for spelling error) that cause the strange feelings of drunkness....


You arent supposed to drink them in shots, you can I mean, but the true way is get a glass and pour one part of abinsthe with 4-5 parts of water by pouring water thru a "absinthe spoon" which is for storing a sugar cube and you pour water over the sugar cube so it mixes with the water and absinthe.... check out the link below, it will show you how to drink absinthe the french way lol


How to Drink La Fée Absinthe


The real stuff is pricey.. usually about $90-$150 with high levels of wormwood infusuion.


I brought a bottle other day costed me $120, its called "Pere Kermann's Absinthe" and its whooping 60% alc/vol :rolleyes: Its made in France and it's not supposed to be the best stuff... oh well its best I can do for now, because I yet havent opened the bottle yet.


I will post a pic my bottle of Absinthe in the GROG thread in the Green Eggs forum because I cant attach pictures here.... ;)





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Thanks for your post Rastagirl.


"Oh,& may I ask what does make you different from a "junky",or does this only apply to smack not over the counter Benzo's?"


Well said, because it doesn't matter what your drug of choice is. Alcohol, Heroin, LSD, XTC, Nicotine, THC, or whatever you choose to try is a matter of personal choice. If you become addicted to anything and then become an addict, so what. That should be our choice too, because it OK and legal to drink yourself to death, or become addicted to any of the ever increasing number of pharms. Meanwhile that pill diet earns the doctor his pay, and keeps the addicts at bay.

The government (pushers! dealers!) have decided that we are not responsible enough or even capable to determine these issues, so they make them on our behalf, for the so called "good of the people". But let us have alcohol and tobacco as a concession to avoid total chaos, because they learnt a very tiny lesson from the days of prohibition. Oh, yeah and push ritilan onto kids as well.

They are just so much more responsible than us - the bullshit bastards.

I think that everybody is an addict, one way or another, even those straight ones. It is another one of our human traits that the government can't control.

If you smoke pot on a regular basis then you are an addict. Don't be ashamed to admit that fact because of the prejudices that are associated with the addict label.


....."if they dont operate within the bondries of society there are many options for these people,cyanide gas,lethal injection......" So True Rasta :angry:


Fuck The System!!!! Before it Fucks You.


Later, Ganga, pot junky forever :rolleyes:

Edited by Ganganaught
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