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Stealth Rental Grows

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im planing a new grow in the next couple of mnths, got some ak47 on order nearly $200 for the beans so i hope there that good, the down side is im going to have to grow in a rental unit flat or something, im planing to convert a large fidge for the purpose as i feel it might be best for stealth, 400w globe,

does anyone else grow at rental props? i was thinking of fitting my doow locks so knowone can poke around if im not there inspections etc,

I know it sucks for safety but i gota smoke and cant stand buying also i wont know anyone at all where im moving to. and the expense of buying gets cripling money wise.

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I have grown in rental properties before, the trick is timing...not only for when ur landlord wants to inspect, but also preparation.


we had a room...it was pretty small, and before we grew it was a storeroom...we chucked a few 600's and a 1000 in and did 3 month cycles, knowing the landlord would call every 3 months...harvest a week b4 inspection, run the carbofil during that time and fill the room up with junk so it looks like a store room. repeat, ad nauseum :P


3 months isnt a long time however, so its best to have a clone cupboard where u can beef ur babes up from the week u start ur main plants flowering...that way, after ur inspection, you can put in 4-8 week old shrubs and grow hard for a few weeks, bloom for 8...


course theres a lot more u need to worry bout, such as ventilation n noise n smell but most of these have been covered in detail in the other forums...


best thing to do is try and find a place where they dont do 3 month inspections :P sometimes you get lucky... sometimes its also just not worth it, considering how much trouble you'd get in... (ur name would also go down on the tenancy blacklist, making renting another house a real hassle)




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I may be wrong but landlords are not allowed to open your cupboards, fridges and so on. So if you make sure the fridge isn't on and doesn't have any tell tale signs like reeking smell, external ballast, a crap load of nutes and stuff sitting on top of it, and of coarse it is locked (just in case they don't think you know your rights, they think they can get away with it or they feel they have a right to open anything just because it's there), there is nothing they could do about it.


If it looks like a fridge and they don't open it, it's a fridge.

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I currently grow in a rental apartment. As previous posters have stated the best way to grow is to plan your growing cycle around your inspections. If you have three month inspections like I do you have to plan carefully. The best way I have found is to grow from clones as clones are already a mature plant and only require a couple of weeks growing before turning to flower. A couple of mother plants shouldn't be too hard to hide during an inspection.


I grow in a spare room. Previuosly I was using a 600w over three channels. I used to tell the agent during inspections that the frame I had for the light was used for photography, considering I lived in that place for 4 years I think they believed me :P


I am about to finish my first grow in my new place using CF's (7th week of flowering) in a wardrobe. The grow will be finished before the next inspection (in two weeks) and the room the wardrobe is in will look like any other junk room by then. If for some reason I haven't harvested, because I am growing in a free standing wardrobe that I own and the agent won't be interested in the state of the wardrobe (with built-ins or wardrobes that come with the property they can and will open them to inspect them for damage, that the doors open properly etc. The agent has the right to inspect anything that is a part of the rental property, that includes opening wardrobes and cupboards) and with lights turned off and everything tidied up a bit there should be no worries. Turning the lights off this late in the flowering period for half a day won't hurt the buds.


One thing of course - Never let an agent inspect without you or someone else there. That way you can head them off if they seem a little suspicious.


Don't change the locks unless you suspect a previous tenant has a set of keys, it would be an unnessecary expense as you have to give keys for the new locks to the agent anyway. If you can lock one of your rooms, they would insist it was opened for them to inspect


One other thing that makes it much easier for me is that I live by myself, I can control who visits my place during growing periods and I can be sure of exactly who knows I do grow. I'm not sure I would attempt to grow if I shared with anyone else as you can't really hide a grow from someone who lived in the same place and you can never be sure who they might tell or show your lovely girls too.

Edited by Brainstorm
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