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CBD to THC ratio



Hi, I’ve just been prescribed medical cannabis at a ratio of 12.5% CBD to 11.5% THC. The whole item description is “FS48F - 10g ANTG Juno - 12.5% CBD 11.5% THC Flower”. To be honest, I’m really after the high to relax me and let me chill out properly. I’m not after a slight buzz. It’s so expensive and I’m a university student so I don’t want to spend the money only to find I’m a little buzzed and that’s it. Does anyone know if the ratio of 12.5% CBD to 11.5% THC is going to have any “high” effects? I’m not sure what the standard is here. Thank you!

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3 answers to this question

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With 12.5% CBD and 11.5% THC, you should definitely get a good high. The CBD might tone it down a bit, but the THC will still make you feel pretty relaxed. Everyone reacts differently, so your experience might vary. If you want to check out more options or learn about different products, take a look at D9 gummy brand. They have a lot of useful info that could help you find what you need.

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OZIEGENT was awarded the badge 'Helpful' and 50 points.

Hi Catt

I've been taking a 1:1 ratio for a few months now and can report you can indeed get a great high from the CBD - THC ratio you mention.

Its all about the dose. If I take 10mg of the 1:1 (10mg / ML) it will put me to sleep with a slight buzz. Upping the dose to 35mg (3.5ml of 10mg /ml) gets me quite stoned most of the night and half of the next day.

Just be careful not to overdose as oil has the effect like an edible. Takes a few hours to get going but when it starts its a lovely ride.

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