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New auto grower

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Hi merl1n

I have been starting my time from first true leaves.. I just checked the website again to make sure I'm not going nuts... It does say from seed lol.

I'll let her go for another week or 2 and re-evaluate then I guess.


I totally agree with you - I'll be going back to photos next round of seeds I think.

Edited by Stev3-o
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For me, personally, 60-70 days of flowering alone wouldn't be enough. I like to flower (12/12) mine for around 12weeks (84 days), so to then add in my grow (18/6) period, I'd be looking at something more along the lines of 100days+

Admittedly, I flower mine for longer than most. Most growers flower for around 8 weeks, as I say, I flower for more like 12-13weeks. The extra time is well worth the wait/weight.

I am yet to see a seed producers 'Suggested timings' being correct. Often producers do so under optimal conditions ie CO2, light and environmental conditions. Not many home growers do so under 'optimal conditions'.

I think the wording says it all really 'SUGGESTED timings', it's just a guideline, not a rule.



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For me, personally, 60-70 days of flowering alone wouldn't be enough. I like to flower (12/12) mine for around 12weeks (84 days), so to then add in my grow (18/6) period, I'd be looking at something more along the lines of 100days+

Admittedly, I flower mine for longer than most. Most growers flower for around 8 weeks, as I say, I flower for more like 12-13weeks. The extra time is well worth the wait/weight.

I am yet to see a seed producers 'Suggested timings' being correct. Often producers do so under optimal conditions ie CO2, light and environmental conditions. Not many home growers do so under 'optimal conditions'.

I think the wording says it all really 'SUGGESTED timings', it's just a guideline, not a rule.



I got a few different types of autos to give something different a try... I've just bought a house (yeeewwww) so I'll have plenty of room more room to be able to experiment with them a little, and grow a couple of photos at the same time. *Drools*


From first impressions, not much of a fan of autos either.

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"I've just bought a house (yeeewwww)..." Good for you. With the cost of rents at the moment, a mortgage often works out cheaper. An issue with ownership is that you have the property maintenance costs to cover, a cost factor that some forget to account for. AND insurances, make sure you are insured. With floods in places that have never flooded before and fires in places '...that'll never burn...' cover your arse. Also, with the world economy being a mess ATM,  cover your income too. As I've said to others 'Tomorrow you could walk out your front door and get hit by a bus...  ...Now what?' Having no income and a mortgage to maintain can be a scary place to be. I say all of this because a few years ago we had massive fires rip through our area (We were OK (thanks to insurances), but many neighbours lost everything). And then there was my health which took a sudden nosedive and it was deemed I could no longer work. Had I not been insured I would have lost it all. So cover your arse.


"From first impressions, not much of a fan of autos either."

Some people swear by them, and that's OK. You give them a go and make your own assessment from there. For me, I like to be in control of the plant. Auto's take that control away from me. Nahh, not what I want.



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Hi Merlin,


After much thought (and after a quick dry and smoke of one of the little popcorn buds) I  have decided to get ready for harvest. All the pistils are brown and although no amber triches, I can see no clear ones either. She smokes well for a little pocket rocket, so I'm happy. I've attached some photos cause after all this is my first auto. I had very little room so she's very small. Note the close up pics look like pistils are white, but are definately brown.


Thanks for your help :)




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FLUSH, FLUSH and FLUSH!!!!. Do not forget to flush her first, BEFORE you chop.

It removes any leftover salt build up and improves the final smoke enormously. I use a pH adjusted tap water to flush. It has enough salts in it to sustain plant health but enough open ions to remove the salts. With one grow I used rainwater for flushing but saw a marked decline in plant health, so I only use tap water now for flushing.

I do an initial flush for a couple of hours, biff that and replenish with pH adjusted tap water and start again, leave it flushing for 12hrs. Biff that and start again. I keep repeating until the EC coming out equals the EC going in

With each flush I block the drain and flood the pots to dissolve any hidden salts as well.



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