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Small auto

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Could be both in my opinion dry or to wet.

Without seeing it in person it's all guess work.


Out of curiosity what kind of temps are you seeing ? I've had seedlings turn due to cold temps , lack of air movement, lack of air exchange, and a shit load from over watering.


My suggestion is dig into your medium a little see if it's muddy looking or dry.


Check air flow and temps. They need a little breeze on them.


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Temp I feel is getting low as the tent is in the garden shed outside. I’ve got a fan constantly forcing fresh air in. Enough to see the leaves flicker a little in the breeze.


I want to change my 18/6 hour to run the light through the night to try keep it from getting to cold. Is it okay to switch light schedule but not on/off hours?


I stuck my finger in a hole in the bottom of the pot and it was mud so yeah defiantly holding water.


I used a small drill to put a bunch of pin holes in the side walls of the pot in hopes to get some air through the soil


Thanks for help DL



Sent from my iPhone using OZ Stoners

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Yeah ok I'd personally change the hours of lights on to either the coldest part of the day or just go 24hr.


I run autos through winter with 24hrs lights or during warm months 18/6 during the coldest part of the day. That way it's not to hot during the day and not cold during the night.


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app


Plus I'm home during the night so I'd prefer it to be running when I'm home just incase something was to go wrong I've got every chance to catch it.

Edited by Devils Lettuce
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Thanks for the reply people! Refreshing to find a forum with minimal bull sh comments!


I’ve made some holes, changes my light shed and popped a new seed too. Bubblegum kush auto I think it was.

I am thinking of posting a journal on what I’m doing, do people follow along with such a thing?


Thanks again! Plant is already looking better



Sent from my iPhone using OZ Stoners

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