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in serious need of advice in growing!

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Start on bag seed.


When you have been playing with that and have done some reading and played around with mothers and cloning then it will be worth your while buying a few expensive strains.


After that get a few nice strains, make one or two mothers and clone from there.


First things first though, what kind of setup do you want: Cupboard, growroom, outdoor?


There are plenty of things to look at but in the mean time just grow something that doesn't matter if it dies on you, grow the bag seed and read about strains and grow methods while you play around. The upshot is, you will be learning and have something to smoke in the mean time.


But don't stop asking questions, there's a lot to think about at first. Just don't be afraid to have a go, it's pretty hardy.

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to be honest Flopeye ... Iv read thru many of those grow guides and its dosent compare to the interaction you get on OZstoners.com. Yeah, I do agree you'll learn lots of info but the down factor is you wont need that info into a specific time ... while on here you can learn at your own pace with the help of the community.


~ peace out

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In a way. They're crossed to themselves or siblings from the same group/mother and are made through artificially stimulating female flowers on otherwise stable female plants.


Thing is, they usually show up with hermies in em, and I wouldn't necessarily advise them myself.


I'd say your best off with an early bagseed grow, or perhaps spend 50 bucks on something so you don't lose the shirt of your back trying to start, and you should get something quite nice. lol


Course, if you can get female clones, then go for it, but they're not very common. :detective:

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first time growers usually have no idea about the difference between male and female plants and by the time the females start to look like the buds they smokes its too late to rip out the males and u have just seeded a crop :D has happened to many of my mates because they thought that either they knew better than me about growing and/or they wanted the extra smoko lol


now what i would do is buy some clones for your personal stash and then use bagseed to learn from.... if u have the bagseed plants far away, u can learn shit loads about pot u never knew and wont risk fertalising the lovely ladies u have grown from clone :thumbsup

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you can find many good seeds if you look through the shit u score and ask your friends to save you seeds etc.


many of my mates because they thought that either they knew better than me about growing


lol .. same thing happens to me, for example my friend asked me if he could add orange juice to his soil grow ... i told him that it would probably cause the pH level to rise and cause nute lockout, what did he do ?? added the orange juice and his plant started wilting. My advice to smoke2joint04 would be remember any advice thats given to you because the advice would probably come from a more expereinced grower ... i like the forums coz you get more than one opinion, OZstoners is the best.


~ peace

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