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Humidity question

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If you want to foliar feed you should try Optic Foliar Transport


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Thanks for suggestion.


I read this interesting post




That's why I thought if I can utilise it as I have aloe vera available and wouldn't cost me anything. Just wondering if anyone tried it as a foilar feed


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Thanks for suggestion.


I read this interesting post




That's why I thought if I can utilise it as I have aloe vera available and wouldn't cost me anything. Just wondering if anyone tried it as a foilar feed


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

I use biodiesel nutes and they have an aloe based nutrient that they recommend both in normal feeding and foliar.


Transpiration is not very effective but the Optic Foliar Transport opens up the plant leaf cuticle and allows direct access to the plants transport system.


I also use floralicious as a foliar spray as it's 30% plant hormone


The Optic foliar can be used with lights on. Infact it is recommended. Have to get from Canada tho. There is a similar product that used to be called Liquid Light, not sure what the new name is but it's available locally


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Thanks for suggestion.


I read this interesting post




That's why I thought if I can utilise it as I have aloe vera available and wouldn't cost me anything. Just wondering if anyone tried it as a foilar feed


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

I use biodiesel nutes and they have an aloe based nutrient that they recommend both in normal feeding and foliar.


Transpiration is not very effective but the Optic Foliar Transport opens up the plant leaf cuticle and allows direct access to the plants transport system.


I also use floralicious as a foliar spray as it's 30% plant hormone


The Optic foliar can be used with lights on. Infact it is recommended. Have to get from Canada tho. There is a similar product that used to be called Liquid Light, not sure what the new name is but it's available locally


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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It's not a big issue until you've seen the growth rates achieved holding humidity in the green zone

Heat n humidity r your friends not enemies

What ever your humidity meter is reading above the canopy is not a true indication of what's going on

These levels will be different depending on where u measure

I've found that in the middle of the canopy,out of direct light gives the best indication

Get a meter that records the minimum n maximum levels,remember to reset each night until u r confident of what the humidity will be at different times

This will also help with extraction, not enough humidity will be way too high all the time,especially if have a res or DWC inside the room or tent

Too much n u will never get the desired levels

A temperature monitor in your exhaust will help automate this

At the moment u want heat n humidity, that so called growth rate that isn't too much of a problem,will stunt the early growth n set the stage for the future

Quicker n more growth now will give u more foilage later hence more growth in a shorter time in the future

It's like a root,once u missed out u can never catch up, it's gone,so time is important even at this early stage


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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