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Pot size recommendation

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Hey Carbcon, I believe you used this Dr GT stuff before and I'm interested in how you went about it.  It's called "super soil" which made me assume I should use it Subcool style: bottom layer of 25-33% "hot" super soil and topped up with a milder base soil.  However, upon rereading the product blurb it says:


When planting into this mix, it is advised to use vigorous plants that are well into their stages of vegetative growth to avoid nutrient burning your plants. If you wish to use plants of juvenile growth stages we advise you create a buffer zone around the root zone with non super soil. This is to allow the plants to grow into the nutrients gradually and not nutrient burn your young plants. Your Super Soil can be diluted 1:4 with non-amended soil to be used as a seed raising mix or for rooting cuttings.


I could also interpret that to mean a plant safely into vege stage could be planted in a pot using 100% of this super soil recipe.  This would mean I could start my seed in a peat cube.  Then plant in a mild organic potting mix in a 4L smart pot to vege.  Until say 4-6 nodes tall.  Then transplant to my 26L pots with 100% Dr GT SS soil.


I might be over thinking this, but I haven't had any luck getting email replies from him.  And I've had little luck googling for more info.


How did you use the stuff?

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Yeah mate, you would indeed be correct to assume that.


Seeds cracked yet?


So you haven't cut that soil yet?


You may have to recap where u are at.


Soak your seeds in water for 12-24hrs and then plant into a peat jiffy if you like.

Don't fuck around with paper towels, it works but add an un necessary step to fuck up if not handled right.


This way is usually a day faster than soaking, then paper towels, then media.

You will know pretty quick if one doesn't make it.


I do it this way as I mentioned cos I reckon you loose time when you plant a seed with a long taproot from paper towels.

Also, I like that this way, the roots are always in soil. Let the soil do it all once u soak it. Saves a day on average.


Ok, cotleydons come up and first true leaves show.

At this stage you probably wanna be getting that jiffy into something as there's no nutes and roots will want more space asap.


You mentioned u have a light seedling mix, cool, you can plan straight into this if you like. As long as you know it's a light mix.


A light mix to me is a cootes type mix. Is this light mix some bagged stuff?

I wouldn't mix that in by having the plant in it before your main pot.


You can plant a seed into a cootes mix no worries.


If you wanna do the layer stuff I'd do coot mix top and super bottom.


A plant at 5-6 nodes and "healthy" will have no problem in the SS mix if you followed his instructions for completing the mix.


I mixed up his kit and I transplanted in relatively early iirc.


I had the opportunity to get some of his pre made ss too and had no worries, behaved the same.


Get your main pots ready.


Soak seeds

Plant in jiffy and germ, sprout and show cotleydons, then take jiffy and plant into a coots mix. Then depending on size of that pot, once plant is 5-6 nodes and in good shape plant into the SS.


Should be fine mate.


Hurry up, I wanna see how that strain and light goes

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Thanks for the info Carbcon. Recap: I haven't cracked my seeds yet. I plan on soaking and then putting in the Jiffy, no paper towel. Paper towel is popular, but I'm not sure why the extra step! I'll be buying my pots shortly and assembling the new tent over the weekend. I have 30L of the SS : 1/3 each compost, peat, and perlite + 500g SS mix. I know various rocks are better than perlite, but perlite is easy access. Cooked for 3mons. I could make more, plenty of ingredients. I haven't yet cut it further, still the same as GT's recipe.


The potting mix is the link below, same place I got the compost. I figured I could cut it a bit with some peat & perlite to lighten it a bit.


Just for clarity, you think the GT SS would be fine 100% assuming the plant has some height?



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Yeah as long as you have asked them any questions you feel pertinent to you.


Throw some seeds in a soil if your ever unsure, clover for example while being a cover crop is good to see how they go. Will tell you a lot right away but f something big is wrong and shit is germination and getting fucked after that.


I reckon you won't have to cut it but if you do, it won't be a disadvantage, you just may have to top dress it sooner.


Throw some clover in the main pots if you like, chop it when you transplant your mature plant in.


Itchy always says get roots in there.


Will get that soil ticking over, like warming up an engine before you give it shit.

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Ok, with all the fine advice provided by you all, I've evolved the plan. 


  • Smart pots are on the way: 4L, 11L, & 26L.  I know larger than 26L would be better, but next size up and they would be literally shoulder to shoulder in my tent.  Some space to work is always desirable. 
  • This weekend I'm going to mix up another 60L of Dr GT Super Soil and let it cook.  By the time I need to actually need to use it, a month will probably have passed.  I'll mix that with the 30L of well cooked mix I already have.  90L should be plenty to get the job done. 
  • I'll use this like a LOS complemented with the Myco Inoculant and High Tea bennies.  I've also got a Root Roids sample and some Great White hanging around.  Might be some overlap in all these bennies, but I'm under the impression it would be difficult to overdose. 
  • I'll soak the seeds then put in Jiffies to sprout.  After they've popped, they'll move to a 4L pot.  I'll fill this pot with some vege potting mix, cut with some peat & perlite as necessary.
  • I'll bump up to 11L pots when ready, pots filled with more of the vege mix.
  • When were up to 5-6 nodes, put them in their finally 26L pots.  These will be full of the Dr GT "super soil" at 100%.
  • From here I'll train, top, SCROG, etc. Through out the whole process I'll sprinkle and water with bennies/mycos.  And potent, beautiful, aromatic buds will grow....
  • I'll probably pickup some organic pest management goodies too.  I had no problems with my hydro grow, but with soil I might drag in some baddies from outside.

Anyone see any problems with this game plan?

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