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Organic, pro-biotic and organic growing without bottled nutrients

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be a prick of a thing to move. something solid would be far better long term.

Planning to make a platform on wheels with a 900x900 overflow that can be removed for cleaning. Got some rubber locking castors .I guess everything has it's pros and cons.



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I mean move when full... 


commitment is fine, but who hasn't wanted to rearrange their set ups on occasion.


that thing would fall apart if you tried to drag it full of soil.

never really tried it but another option might be a bunch of fabric pots hard up against each other 

so root systems grow through the walls of the fabric . into & through each pot , could be a lill costly though


that would let you pull the pots apart if needs be in the future but still give you that large soil volume as one , well , sort of ! 


might have to use those square type pots , the round geo's would be a lill harder to work with  

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