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Cheap cloning.

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What would be a cheap and effective way to get some clones going so I'd be able to get this mother plant out of the way?.


Tried drilling a hole in a bottle lit and letting them sit in water. No success.


No success with aloe either...


Limited with my money due to developing lymphoma and unable to work.


She has been abused so much just to keep her within size. post-61610-153118236243_thumb.jpegpost-61610-153118236748_thumb.jpeg


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Cut at an angle, dip in water straight away (stop air getting in) you can always cut again underwater if you feel you have let some in) then straight into soil with light listings and minimal water to soil. Like a few drips everyday. I can do this and leave them for 2-3weeks and they will root for sure. As long as they get a light misting during lights out or as soon as they come on. Light watering on the soil will force roots out and to search for the water. This is what I do though and have no issues and leave them in the corner to get some light but not too much
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I finally got a clone to root in nothing g but tap water took about 3 weeks and its the only way I've been able to clone successfully so far

Got an empty 600 ml bottle filled it with tap water

Took 10-15cm cuttings dipped in water straight away then scraped the bottom inch of the stem and put them in the bottle of water.

No additives no cloning gel no ph testing just straight tap water.

I think the trick is you have to change the water regularly. I tip out half the water and refill once a day. You could use an air stone to keep the water oxygenated and you shouldn't need to change it but I don't have one.

Also I sit those bottles on my foxtel box to keep warm they get a little afternoon sun through the window but basically living on indirect light

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I stopped using humidity domes and misting because they always rotted. Little black marks then just lie down n die but ever since I stopped misting they stopped rotting

I had some in straight verm in a seed tray with dome. aired them a little each day and made sure they stayed moist they eventually went all mushy

I've tried perlite Hempy cups with and without gladwrap

Had some floating on Styrofoam in a big container of water

Put some seed tray sections filled with verm in a bigger cup and gladwrap with a couple holes

I tried sticking some clones in 50/50 verm perlite in a big container and covered that with and without gladwrap. Tried honey and aloe tried phd nonphd water no nutes light nutes seasol foliar feeds lol Probably more I can't think of lol

Literally got my first successful clone a few days ago

I was a happy man

And I can see more coming on the other 2 that was in the same bottle

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