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Vho 440watt fluro

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Hi all,


Just been over a friends house who is right into marine reef fish tanks and he has 4 x 4' VHO fluro lights running off a special ballest. Each fluro if rated at 110w for a total of 440watts.


Would be great to try one of those for a grow!


The brand of ballest was "ice cap" and he got them frow america over the internet, direct from there website - they wiring them 240v for ozzie use.



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Funny you mention this, as I have been reading up on these things for usage in my marine tanks.


They are a very small firm employing 10 people to make the ballasts which overdrive a fluro making its almost twice as efficient.

But by george they look really good,






Is also a good read, with pics etc and reveiws. :thumbsup

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