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Good crawlies for no-till

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Hi Pug, for us not in the know, can you explain your post again for the simple folk (me)?! No-tills, roly polices, springtails? Thanks!


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

no till = no dig = mulching & feeding soil via top dressing letting worms & other soil life aerate under the mulch layer round the root systems of plants 


rollie pollies , springtails , lacewings , praying mantis , good bugs / beneficial bugs / composting bugs 

bugs that attack plant eating bugs , bugs you want on your plant or in your soil to protect against shit humans 

don't see or to slow to see http://www.goodbugs.org.au/

Edited by itchybromusic
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no till = no dig = mulching & feeding soil via top dressing letting worms & other soil life aerate under the mulch layer round the root systems of plants


rollie pollies , springtails , lacewings , praying mantis , good bugs / beneficial bugs / composting bugs

bugs that attack plant eating bugs , bugs you want on your plant or in your soil to protect against shit humans

don't see or to slow to see http://www.goodbugs.org.au/

Thanks, great explanation.


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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