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Human Planet 2011 (Netflix)

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You have to remember that for these men what they are doing is life and death type stuff.


There's no Aldi to pop into for a bit of pork schnitzel and cheese sticks.


And Aerogard.


It's interesting that none of them appears to have any insect bites or bits of skin they've been scratching at.


Maybe it's Western man's blood that send mosquitoes into a blood frenzy. I remember years ago hiking into a gully near the border in a national park and I came upon a swarm of large mosquitoes that were absolutely bent on trying to suck me dry. The buzz was audible from metres away. Mosquitoes that buzzed as loud as bees. Rules out guerilla farming for me.


Did you know that only female mosquitoes bite?


I do get a feeling though that this little BBC show is quite scripted.


Their filming of the events is masterful. They keep up with these guys in the jungle.


What's a bit mind bending is that these guys are carrying 4 metre long blow pipes that are prized possessions. They are as straight as can be and bored out the entire 4metres meticulously. And they have to run after the monkeys with the 4 metre weapon held high in the hand while focussing on the escaping monkeys. You don't want to accidentally bump and break your blow pipe.


And when I think about all the stories of broken glassware pipes I think they definitely don't smoke an indica.


I guess that's about as good a point as any to stop ;)

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This post will probably tip the topic into ethnobotany (since the original was anthropology - the study of man).


The curare vine which is the source of the dart poison - curare is a large molecule. Large enough that it isn't able to be absorbed via the mouth or digestive system.


How remarkable.


Since this one little molecular fact explains why the hunters can put the poisoned dart tip up to the poison itself which gets into their mouths via their saliva which they're applying copiously to the dart to lubricate its travel through the 4m blow pipe.


And once the poison enters the monkey and spreads throughout its body into every muscle and scrap (the hunters waste absolutely nothing of the hunt. Every part from the anus to the eye of the animal is consumed.


And once again curare's non absorption through the gut means the hunters and their families can eat the otherwise poisoned animal's flesh without being poisoned themselves.


How do such useful molecules to man, with all the perfect features to ensure its usefulness arrive at the secret formulas where they become indispensable to the humans using them.


As it stands curare is produced by 14 or more plants in the rainforest from different genuses. The curare formula has been hit on by at least a dozen plants vying for man's attention and love.


Compare that to cannabis and its own prized cannabinoid molecules. Only it happens to have hit upon the magic of THC and instead of discarding all its previous attempts in those other cannabinoids it kept them around. Because once THC had conquered the prize of gaining access to the human brain - it kept the door open for all those previous attempt cannabinoids to also gain a free pass. So its complex chemistry beguiled the man even more making them seek out a cherished previous high which they will never find again. Not every good plant can be cloned or captured in a clone. Sometimes its long gone before the user realises how good it was.


So yes back to curare, an amazing molecule in its own right. It makes you understand that not every plant has to compete for the human brain. They can fulfil other roles and it seems the plants have us covered for every possible need we can have. Surprisingly cooperative of them if we bestow on plants an anthropomorphic presence in our lives.


Anyhow I think the point is made.

Edited by Marrawahrrrna
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