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Sampling during grow.

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“Jorge Cervantes is the nom de plume of George Van Patten, an American horticulturist, publisher and writer specializing in indoor, outdoor, and greenhouse cultivation of medical cannabis.


His books, articles, photographs and instructional DVDs demonstrate techniques for high-yield closet, basement, backyard, and guerrilla gardens. Cannabis Universities in the USA use his book, Marijuana Horticulture, as the main textbook and his videos as instructional aids. Cervantes wrote a Q & A column (Jorge's Rx) for 10 years and continues to write feature articles in High Times magazine.”

Thanks for the info, but I'm with GQ on the microwave drying shit

Cervantes sounds like a bit of a flog, out to make a quid off all the naive and (insert politically incorrect words) out there

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Thanks for the info, but I'm with GQ on the microwave drying shit

Cervantes sounds like a bit of a flog, out to make a quid off all the naive and (insert politically incorrect words) out there

Everyone's entitled to opinions and I can't really say anything for or against him except that he is internationally recognised as a cannabis expert. I guess you'll list your own publications soon so we can compare?


Joking aside though, this is a case of playing the man and not the ball.


The topic is about sampling growing tips of your cannabis plants. The reasons to do so are many:


1. Whittling down number of plants based on potency.

2. Determining harvest points.

3. Dealing with a drought in smokable material.

4. Selecting males for breeding.


And probably many others I can't think of. It's raw, green, harsh but does it work?


Yes it does. What is the negativity and argument about exactly?


Play the ball, not the man. Stop trying to cut people down for no good reason.

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lol, maybe i should read a how to grow book instead, or watch some You Tube videos. they seem to be all the rage these days

I wouldn't have wasted the last 35 years learning how to grow shit plants, or breeding me own shit strains


back to playing with me ball







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I havent tryed to cut anyone down eyesonly and infact i apologised to chained for not useing a better choice of words but im not going to apologise for my post not at all i stand by that microwaving cannabis imo fucks good buds plain and simple and although its just for a sample microwaving buds is an attempt to dry them so you can then sample it and its a method of drying that i do not recommend so i stated that in my post so whats your problem? You just disagree well fine but your the one thats being agruementive and btw i dont see to many people jumping in to say that microwaving buds is a good idea either lol i might be obsessed about a lot of things but arguing with shit stirrers isnt one of them so im going to leave you to business of frying your buds in what ever way you see fit,have a top night eyesonly


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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lol, maybe i should read a how to grow book instead, or watch some You Tube videos. they seem to be all the rage these days

I wouldn't have wasted the last 35 years learning how to grow shit plants, or breeding me own shit strains


back to playing with me balls

Mate I thought your argument was about the microwave thing. I don't think anyone casts any doubts on anything other than this microwave point. It's not about growing or years of experience growing. Experience is another thing altogether I mean no one can buy experience. It's hard earned and extremely valuable.


My father always used to say to me.........


“Learn from mistakes son,.... but it's better to learn from other people's mistakes.”


So I definitely value experience, and Jorge is the kind of man who has earnt that experience and respect from others IN the Cannabis World. He's not just claiming experience. He has PROVEN it and it's been accepted by his peers.


That's the key to experience. And to trash PROVEN experience says something about someone.

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Yep i'd defiantly look OS if i wanted any growing advice, it was just bad luck for me Jeorge?gorge wasn't around then and neither was you tube

Lucky pots easy to grow, mush easier than a lot of other stuff, or i would have been fucked, and would of had to buy some other stnuc dodgy not ready crap cannabis 



Never heard of Cevantas, so he's got no PROVEN experience to me, just another flog trying to make a quid, and good on him


No comment on your fathers advice, he might even be right,   :baaasmiley:

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I havent tryed to cut anyone down eyesonly and infact i apologised to chained for not useing a better choice of words but im not going to apologise for my post not at all i stand by that microwaving cannabis imo fucks good buds plain and simple and although its just for a sample microwaving buds is an attempt to dry them so you can then sample it and its a method of drying that i do not recommend so i stated that in my post so whats your problem? You just disagree well fine but your the one thats being agruementive and btw i dont see to many people jumping in to say that microwaving buds is a good idea either lol i might be obsessed about a lot of things but arguing with shit stirrers isnt one of them so im going to leave you to business of frying your buds in what ever way you see fit,have a top night eyesonly

Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

You're a good woman greenqueen2. I understand your passion about the (anti)microwave thing.


All I'm saying is it's not about the microwave. The microwave thing is minor.


See you might say... but it DOES matter since it's affecting the quality by fucking it up. Fucking up the ‘noids man!


BUT here's the thing it doesn't matter whether it does or doesn't or how much it does. Because as long as you keep the method the same, everything you sample is FUCKED UP just the same. So you can still make COMPARISONS.


The fucking up of the ‘noids occurs to every single sample so they are brought down - all of them. So it's like taking away a constant. The relative differences are still comparable.


And remember these are bigger differences now to people sensitive to them.


See of you are comparing a 6 to a 7.5 there's only a 20% change.


Now take 5 away from both and you get 1vs 2.5. That's a 250% change. You may not be able to tell a 20% difference but 250%?


Now a seasoned smoker has way too much tolerance to operate as a potency detector in this range of values.


It takes someone who uses cannabis occasionally for the novelty like me to notice the difference.


Anyway I am digressing. The point is that this topic wasn't about the microwave. If anything the fucking up of the ‘noids is an advantage.


It's not your harvest that's going up in flames here. It's a few growing tips.


Anyway the mods can close the topic if they think it's gone its natural course.

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