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Sampling during grow.

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  On 02/12/2017 at 1:18 PM, eyesonly said:

Not on first name basis yet ;)



Seriously though you guys really know how to talk about anything but the topic. I'll give you that.


I never said I was a master cannabis grower. But a master grower yes. I've grown enough plants in my life to qualify for that.

There's a topic, lol 

its only a plant, not hard to grow at all, any competent gardener could be a master grower of pot,

you shouldn't underestimate Australia's contribution to the cannabis world, lots of great strains/breeding stock started life here, no university degree was needed.


Its finding them good breeding strains now that's the problem, good luck

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  On 02/12/2017 at 1:30 PM, pedro de pacas said:

There's a topic, lol 

its only a plant, not hard to grow at all, any competent gardener could be a master grower of pot,

you shouldn't underestimate Australia's contribution to the cannabis world, lots of great strains/breeding stock started life here, no university degree was needed.


Its finding them good breeding strains now that's the problem, good luck

I understand you. Clearly.


That's something that's earned and I know it.



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Hey eyes just so you know im not pissed off at ya mate not at all,frustrated at times maybe but not pissed lol and even if you had pissed me off you wouldn't be the first and surely not the last,i welcome any discussion whether its for or against the topic and from that i do my best to educate others to best of my knowledge and experience so that like you said people can learn from others mistakes in saying that i still think true knowledge is gained not shared and i also still hope your little plant comes good to,happy gardening,and to the rest of you thanks fellas much appreciated


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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  On 02/12/2017 at 11:44 AM, eyesonly said:

You're a good woman greenqueen2. I understand your passion about the (anti)microwave thing.


All I'm saying is it's not about the microwave. The microwave thing is minor.


See you might say... but it DOES matter since it's affecting the quality by fucking it up. Fucking up the ‘noids man!


BUT here's the thing it doesn't matter whether it does or doesn't or how much it does. Because as long as you keep the method the same, everything you sample is FUCKED UP just the same. So you can still make COMPARISONS.


The fucking up of the ‘noids occurs to every single sample so they are brought down - all of them. So it's like taking away a constant. The relative differences are still comparable.


And remember these are bigger differences now to people sensitive to them.


See of you are comparing a 6 to a 7.5 there's only a 20% change.


Now take 5 away from both and you get 1vs 2.5. That's a 250% change. You may not be able to tell a 20% difference but 250%?


Now a seasoned smoker has way too much tolerance to operate as a potency detector in this range of values.


It takes someone who uses cannabis occasionally for the novelty like me to notice the difference.


Anyway I am digressing. The point is that this topic wasn't about the microwave. If anything the fucking up of the ‘noids is an advantage.


It's not your harvest that's going up in flames here. It's a few growing tips.


Anyway the mods can close the topic if they think it's gone its natural course.

I'm not closing the topic. It's fun watching you dig a hole for yourself instead of taking the advice of people more experiencrd than Jorge Cervantes, the self proffessed "nom de plum...."

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Jorge is no better informed than your average seasoned grower, he also borrows on a lot on other people's content to make himself look good as well.


If anyone holds him in high regard, you'd be doing yourself a disservice. He's just a old hippy, with old ways, that tries to get by with the vibe of things.


Jorge makes Kog look good.. lol

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I haven't microwaved weed a dozen or so times because someone else said it works, I have done it a dozen or so times because it works when I do it.

There's nothing to disagree with, if it didn't work I wouldn't have bothered doing it a second time.  Beyond that, what anyone else thinks is irrelevant.

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Yes I admit I've used microwave, lowest setting 3/4 minutes , comes out ok but not my preferred way, if you do right comes out not quite dry, but dries in bowl after a bit of a chop

As I said wouldn't be advising any one do it

To get a sample quickly I hang it tent near exhaust overnight, again it's not quite dry but a little chop and twenty minutes later it's ok

Like most that have grown for a while a sample isn't required you know it's gonna be good at the end

It's more that sometimes planning hasn't been right or acts of god have wiped out a whole yr , so it's not teallly a sample I just want to have a smoke n being a tight arse it's that or spend money on something that I got no idea what's in it

Last stuff I got of a dealer so to speak gave me migraines and made insomnia worse

To avoid that scenario, pick some dry it quick and get to my mates asap



Sent from my iPhone using OZ Stoners

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Oh, agreed, it's not a preference.  As I was saying earlier, I initially did it during a grow because I ran out of smoke for myself.  I used the method I described and it worked.  Since then, during a grow, I'll pluck a popcorn bud or two and do it just out of curiosity.   As I said, I don't use it as a reflection of the quality of weed, or any other practice reason beyond "I wonder what..."


I certainly wouldn't use as a method to dry your harvest, but there's no point denying it works to the people who actually do it in practice.

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I don't have a problem with people microwaving their buds, if you are happy with it then go for your life. I would have liked to see Jorge discuss other methods of quick drying and talk about the pros and cons of each method. However, there are a few cannabis information books on the market and therefore, there are likely to be some discrepinces and different opinions throughout. Here is a link to a few




And here is a link to the book in question



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