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Unsure of the problem. Help needed

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G’day all. I have 3 g14 autos around 3 wks from finishing and I’ve noticed this on quite a few of the leaves today. It’s pretty much come up over night. I’ve been pushing nutes into them reasonably hard of late. I use canna terra Flores and have been using it at 1/2 strength. A little more than usual. I’ve attached a few photos. Any help would be greatly appreciated! A link for my journal also https://cannabis.community.forums.ozstoners.com/topic/78855-mars-2-900w-grow/page-3?do=findComment&comment=539502






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No one?


So for now I’ve gone with giving the plants abit of a flush with 6.5 ph water.


Because I have been giving nutes abit higher than what I have with autos in the past I figure it might be abit if nute burn. 1/2 strength nutes every 2/3 days might have been too much. Especially with the leaf tips and edges looking a little brown.


Has anyone seen this or could give some input? I don’t think it looks cal/mag related either.



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Hey Markus, how's your pH, what's your medium, temps etc... my first thought was high temperatures then cal mag...

Hey mate just growing in canna terra professional. Temps are low 20s at the moment but humidity has been high with abit of rain about. I have good extraction in my tent but I have still seen humidity creeping up in the 70s-80s. I always ph my nutes around 6.5 give or take.


You could be right about calcium perhaps. Or even a dash of over feeding and lack of calcium.


I’m pretty unsure hey



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One thing to note (that I’ve noticed) is that even once you correct the problem the existing leaves will still look the same. If you were in the veg stage I’d suggest looking at new growth but in flowering and close to finishing I guess that’s a bit more difficult.

Also don’t overthink it. I’m a new grower and had good yields from plants which look far worse (granted I could have maybe got better if they didn’t have issues) than you have.



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One thing to note (that I’ve noticed) is that even once you correct the problem the existing leaves will still look the same. If you were in the veg stage I’d suggest looking at new growth but in flowering and close to finishing I guess that’s a bit more difficult.

Also don’t overthink it. I’m a new grower and had good yields from plants which look far worse (granted I could have maybe got better if they didn’t have issues) than you have.



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Yeh true. I’ll just keep an eye on it and see if it gets worse.


I’ve given it a good flush last night with ph’d water and did a light watering with some cal mag this morning.


See how it goes I guess



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Mate I did a couple of grows with terra and found you need to pH 5.8 -6.2, this late in flowering I would keep it higher around 6.2 to release trace elements required. Looks to me like nute lock out from high pH. Canna terra is more like hydro medium then soil so don't go off soil charts.


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Mate I did a couple of grows with terra and found you need to pH 5.8 -6.2, this late in flowering I would keep it higher around 6.2 to release trace elements required. Looks to me like nute lock out from high pH. Canna terra is more like hydro medium then soil so don't go off soil charts.


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Mate I didn’t know that. Appreciate the help!



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