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Brisbane cannabis law rally Tue 14 Nov 2017

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It was a good rally that was organised in a very short time frame. It was great to meet you and the fam there Green Queen :)


There were some really passionate speakers there. There was no political bs, no personal agendas and best of all there was unity among the cannabis community, which has been divided recently. There seemed to be reps from all the different groups there agreeing that we have all been stiffed by the current medicinal cannabis model. Something that was highlighted was Deb Lynch's current court case which will be interesting to see play out, as Qld Health are being subpoenaed to court and will need to show why they are not providing medical cannabis to patients.


From what I can gather, the organisers are keen to do another one next year when parliment resumes and are hoping to make it a far bigger event with music and food.



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The feeling is mutual fordy it was a pleasure to meet you and your boy too,and thanks for spreading the word about my girls tshirts that made her feel very special and we haven't seen her so passionate about something for well ever and gotta the bug is very catchy as hubby and i have already been thinking about ways we can make a difference for the next rally and even ways to raise awareness and educate the public between events,we have some great ideas and just organizing a few things so that i can put my ideas into practice so we can get more people on board,dont hesitate to ask us if theres something we can do to help from your end either,like helping with events, rallies or public education anything for the cause really,yesterday when we gathered halfway through the protest my daughter was so stimulated from the rally i had to get her to sit for a bit,breath and sip water i could tell she was close to having a grand mal seizure and while surrounded by police i had no choice but to administer her cannabis medication to avoid a seizure in that moment i could of had my children removed from my care been arrested and jailed,thankfully that didnt happen but someone somewhere in oz did have that happen and it will happen again and again and again until the laws change and for me seeing little suli,s parents without there little girl was heart renching but it drives me to want to be part of the solution that prevents this happening to other kids and sick people and even people that smoke for recreation because its simply is not a criminal offence,im a warrior and im not going to be afraid to fight for whats right ever again and when i put my mind to something i never give up until i succeed and i dont care how long it takes either im here for the long haul,i love being part of the cannabis community and look forward to the challenges, i hope to inspire people im not sure exactly how im going to do it but il definitely put my ideas forward here at osa when ive got a plan or two and maybe a few other members may have some good ideas and input as well,cheers fordy,,,GQ


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You express yourself with passion and dignity

I found that ppl opinions about marijuana are usually very uneducated

It's sorta like Bigfoot , can you allow yourself to think it's possible it exists or do you think it's a load of crap untill you see it for yourself

Can you imagine a world without imagination

Can you imagine a world where there is a solution but society rejects it because they have been programmed to consume not to think

It boils down to 1 thing and 1 thing alone


Politicians couldn't imagine a world where you could grow and make your medicine, how would they tax that!

So to all you arseholes just for once do the right thing forget about what you can't make from legalisation of marijuana

and do what we all know what has to be done



Sent from my iPhone using OZ Stoners

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