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Hey bob a lot of the time when your getting the storms that means i miss them here because it often drops of the hills to south and heads out your way but yesterday it tricked me i seen it was out the south went back inside and within ten minutes it was hailing, no time to do anything just had to ride it out and hope not to much damage, well luck was on my side because i couldnt see any damage just a couple of leaves had few tear marks from the hail but nothing major yaaaa hooo,and yeah the sky already has cloud build up here this morning so il keep an eye on it,thanks for thinking of me bob lol bloody qld storms lol


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magic here 2dai


sun's ou+ so i''ll go and wai+ beside mailbox 4 scoob's seeds


be++er +ake a packed lunch suppose


crazi wea+her, no rain 4 7  mon+hs  and we cop i+  all in one week


happi no+ much damage a+  ure's


keep figh+ing  bloodi mold here.  allreadi los+ bou+  an ounce

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Your lucky youve only had 1 week of it its been over 4 and a half weeks here of constant rain and cold temps and ive recorded close to 9inches of rain over the past month but you wait and see these plants boom when the temps rise and sun comes back the only problem is every other type of weed is booming too lol


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all good ford peeps


i jus+ wanna apolagise 4 u good ppl having 2 decipher mi mad gibberings


apparan+lee comp dude can replace k-board on lap+op bu+ probs cheaper 2 replace whole +hing


pu+ in lo++o 2nigh+ so never know


some good sugges+ions bu+


and gq if ure s+ill awake, wea+her man predic+ing +hunder s+orm around 3am.  fingers crossed he ge+s wrong



All good mate. You could also get a cheap Bluetooth keyboard and just plug the dongle into the USB port.



Sent from my iPad using OZ Stoners


Like †immy men+ioned, the blue+oo+h USB ones go alrigh+, bob.

†his is +the one I go+ for +he missus, i+ goes pre++y good on her lap+op.


Wireless Mouse and Keyboard Logi+ech MK220

For $36 you can'+ go +oo wrong wi+h i+ and +hen you go+ the mouse op+ion as well. :good:

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Morning fordy,i appreciate you informing me of that hubby is going to get on the computer and do a bit of homework and look in to that today, ive have put a few things in place and planned for the worse case scenario and i think mentally im ready to do the time if thats what it comes to but hopefully entertaining that thought never comes to see a day light, my biggest worry is my daughter having good supply of meds if i do go for a holiday so i have buried out bush enough for at least a year which should give hubby enough time to work out how to grow, he's been watching what i do for a long time but i do wonder if its all sunk in enough for him to get by without my help i think he'd be alright and have told him that if that happens he should come here to osa and im sure all the wonderful people here will help him best they can in that area,something else we've been contemplating is going to talk to our solicitor now rather than after the fact but im just not sure about that and if its a good idea,we definitely have all the medical paperwork ready and current and covers all three of us and its on going so i know we'd have a good case in our favor but alas good people still go to jail everyday so i keep that in mind try to be as prepared as i can be, thanks fordy im realy greatful that you were thinking of us,more than you may realise mate,hopefully catch up at nimbin to try some queeny buds one day lol cheers fordy,,,GQ


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If you go to a solicitor remember client legal obligation and dont tell them your real name or address


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Here is a link to some info and case law re. Medical necessity http://medicalcannabisqld.wixsite.com/medicalcannabisqld/necessity-defence


Re. Plant numbers, qld is probably the best state in that regard as under 100 plants or 500 g is not considered commercial check the qld drugs act and regulations for more info on that. But never have things like bags of ounces/pounds etc or scales or other stuff associated with commercial, because things like that will attract negative attention in court and you can still get done for commercial if prosecution can reasonably prove it.

Hey ford ...do you have those numbers handy for each state and territory?



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