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Coldest temp that plants can survive through.

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First grow indoors in winter.
What is the lowest temperature the plants can survive before I cry if they die.

Whilst on veg cycle no problem with cold BUT now I have switched back to flower 12/12.
It runs from 7am to 7pm and normally in winter I think I would flower overnight as it's in a tent but with a few visitors coming to stay for a night or two on this grow I've had to this time flower during the day.
I still leave the internal circulating fan going all night as it is quiet but I can't run the intake and outakes due to noise factor.

The lowest it has got to on the thermometer is 17 celcius, how low can it get to before I run the risk of it dieing, I realise a frost or anything below 5 is asking for trouble.

Not heater option available.

With this cold I'm hoping I might get some nice pretty colourful leaves

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they should be alright.. if it only for a couple of days.


but get them fans back on when you can.


also put them(the plants) on small holders if they are in pots... nothing major just some thing small are raised off the ground (like a brick.. but not damaging to the tent).. just to get them off the cold ground.


just a thought.

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you'll be fine - dont expect explosive growth when its really chilly though. Some strains will obviously handle cold better than others though


I turn on an oil heater in the same room when its ball-tearingly cold because my house is pretty much a cardboard box with little to no insulation. If its chilly through flowering you'll up your chances of having a nice colourful plant if its in the genes to show different colours which can be nice (maybe not for potency but it looks cool which is something at least).

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BBS oil heaters or convection wall heaters run on a small amount of power, one harvest it was so cold i had to use the wall convection heat just to heat the room for buds to dry my ele bill running 2 600's and the heater was from memory around $300 nothing else was using power only the GR


work that out $300 for 28oz $10.71 an oz lol my grow after this one i think i used the heater only with lights out i got ripped but my yeild estimate would have been easily over 35oz from the two 600's the heater helped a shit load


if u get a convection wall heater don't go crazy and buy the 2000w+ model go for something around 400-500watts they heat up the room slowly than it maintains the warmth and your not running at 400-500watts continues as the heater reaches temps it shuts off and only turns on when needed

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Thanks everyone, My plants are in a drain tub about 40 cm off the ground.
Last night it was as cold as it gets here and inside the tent with the circulating going all night and no in or out takes it got to 14.
So I don't think I will have a problem.

There is no way I can get a heater in that  1.4 X 1.4 tent without taking something out, it would have to be the circulating fan and that's just too risky.

And too right about the difference of the sativa and indica. The single sativa is slow compared to in summer where it powers and has caught me out in the stretch.
The 3 indica are just powering harder than they ever have before in the same stretch period.

Thanks to everyone for replying and thanks to Carnage for not.

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