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Outdoor flowering - questions

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G'day - loving all the great advice on here. I am a newbie on here so forgive me if these questions have been answered before. I have a couple of healthy looking girls that I have forced into early flower (I have been throwing them under a dark blanket in my shed for 12 hours a night) as I have some neighbour/family issues and need an early harvest. Last night I was half an hour late putting them in dark so my first question is will the odd late night off-schedule stress then out? Also I have a small spider mite infestation that I seem to be able to keep under control but can't get rid of. Will this be an issue as they get more into flower (currently 2 weeks into flower)? And lastly if I have them on a 12/12 hour schedule now - can I just leave them out from mid march onwards when there is naturally less than 12 hours light? Sorry that's a lot of questions - only on my second grow so still finding my way. Thanks in advance
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will the odd late night off-schedule stress then out? 

noooooo , but pull them out late the same amount of time next day , plants count the dark hours not the light 


Will mites be an issue as they get more into flower?

poss can , you are on the edge of no more spraying due to flower development imo

eco neem i think on the bottle says spider mite but it's all about the life cycle of them

& how many sprays are you prepared to do , growers call 

they don't like coriander so maybe put some seed in the bottom of the pot as a living mulch 

can also look up coriander teas as a pest spray which might be a lill safer spraying later into flower 


can I just leave them out from mid march onwards?

yes , just keep in mind the plant wants & expects consistency , the more you mess her round 

more chance of probs , the odd change , in general , is no big deal 

however sativa doms seem to be not fans of light dep & seem to herm for most , only what i read 


also make sure your cover is light tight , don't want a re-veg plant at this point in time 


for me i would continue taking them in cause they go into a grow room with circ fan & exhaust 

gotta do what works for ya


good luck 

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Thanks man - will get some coriander today. They seem to like it when I put them with other plants. The smaller one has been sitting in a garden with other plants and doesn't have any mite issues it's the bigger one that has them (has been on its own because it is less inconspicuous). If I slowly introduced them into the natural 12/12 once mid march hits would that help reduce stress or am I better off just to keep doing what I am doing? I have them completely covered under a light proof blanket in my shed which is pretty dark and as you can see the flowers seems to be coming on ok? f37e2ff7e611e952c27290086add994d.jpgf1a19d804be7db91d314f21b062cd743.jpg



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Thanks man - will get some coriander today. They seem to like it when I put them with other plants. The smaller one has been sitting in a garden with other plants and doesn't have any mite issues it's the bigger one that has them (has been on its own because it is less inconspicuous). If I slowly introduced them into the natural 12/12 once mid march hits would that help reduce stress or am I better off just to keep doing what I am doing? I have them completely covered under a light proof blanket in my shed which is pretty dark and as you can see the flowers seems to be coming on ok? f37e2ff7e611e952c27290086add994d.jpgf1a19d804be7db91d314f21b062cd743.jpg



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Hey man nice plants :) Although forcing them into flower early this late in the season was almost not worth it. Most peoples plants are flowering outside now and even if you left them out from seed they wouldn't have gotten too big, that is unless you started them back in november.


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Thanks man - I probably should have been a bit more patient just trying to get a bit of an earlier harvest. They have been going since November but I was trying to keep them small by controlling pot size but the tall one just shot up and has been doing really well. Just hoping I can keep them happy for the next 6 weeks or so.



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