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Aussie Supplier of DIY CMH Lights

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Hey guys i thought this might be of use to some do it your self people that are either strapped for cash or want to set up a CMH light kit in one or by the dozen on the cheap without paying $500-$600 a light


go onto the aussie web site called "RS Online au" type in CMH or "Ceramic Metal Halide" and u will have a multipal choice of lamps, ballast and control gear to chose from


they have tiny 70watts up to i think 315watt lights from what i seen, the Americans now have a 150watt CMH grow light check it out this RS Online also sells the 150watt CMH but these lights dont come as kits u need to piece it together


i am unsure on what u need weather it be a ballast, bulb, lamp holder, reflector, capacitor or anything else but feel free to check them out


if anyone makes there own CMH light please post up how u wired it up i will be keen as to try make one my self

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