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Hi Guys,


Im down in the southern part of the country where its gets bloody cold. I have a Poly tunnel and some Blueberry kush seeds and want to them to have the full grow cycle in pots in the poly tunnel.


When is the best time to plant the seeds in a poly tunnel? Do I follow the same principles as tomatoes?


Thanks for the help guys


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Not sure what a poly tunnel is, but assume it's a greenhouse of some sort.


Not really the same principles as tomatoes, outside of being a non winter crop.  Main difference is that canna is light hours dependent for flowering, so it will want to go into flower as light hrs get down towards 12hrs/day.  So the problem you will have if you plant early will be that they will go into flower as soon as they reach sexual maturity at 3-4 weeks, with some strains being more sensitive than others.  So unless you can supplement light hrs to keep them in veg you will need to wait until at least the end of September to germinate, as it's the light hrs rather than the cold that will cause you problems. 


The greenhouse could be good for protecting them from frost towards the end of flowering in Autumn though, just make sure it's well enough ventilated to keep moisture levels down to help avoid mould in the buds.

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+1 ^^^^ what hashy said 

can you get power to your hoop house without power cord being seen from above

run a fan for high humidity / air movement & a flurro light to keep them in veg 

you could also use panda plastic to cover when light is on for stealth in veg

then use the panda for light dep & finish plants early at the peak of summer / low humidity 

less chance , not no chance of rot probs in ya buds

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