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When to plant

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Ok so I've heard different info about when to plant.

Grow Is on the Gold Coast

I planted some on Father's Day and they all flowered in November and were 100mm tall.

So I planted two early December........

Now I have two plants that are no taller than 300mm

If I want to grow a plant that's around 3 feet high, when should I plant the seeds?

How long does a seed take to grow 3 feet?

I'm really confused on this.

On another note: every plant I grow in a certain spot grows male!

Any advice would be awesome

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I just put up some pics of my plants, fathers day to mums day is a good guide.

Depends on the strain and final size u want. I norm like to allow an 8 week veg outdoors this year plants started flowering at xmas so I had planted early Oct that was enough time to wast two weeks pre sexing at 300mm.. if you want bigger from slow veging plants without going to flower early I'd start indoors under a light late in winter for 3m+ come march.

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You must have had Autoflower seed if they flowered In November.. Autoflower will bud as soon as they are mature even in summer when the days are long.. You can plant anytime after the last frost, usually end of August start of September.. Most plants  will stay in growth stage till Feburary when they flower..


It really depends on how much sun they receive and what they are growing in.. It  can take as little as 1 month for a plant to reach 3 ft from seed. If I wanted a plant to be 3ft high at flower time I would plant around December...Normal plants will not flower in November on the GC so I think you must have had Auto seeds.

Edited by Stiritup420
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What about down south guys? You think a mid october is too late for a decent size plant?

Im in the dirty-dirty south and I know you can grow 3lbs easy when started in nov if you know what your doing and have good strain selection...



Going by your grow this yr GBG, I would say you could reach that easy peasy japanesey if you were in 200L+ bags or in the ground!

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You must have had Autoflower seed if they flowered In November.. Autoflower will bud as soon as they are mature even in summer when the days are long.. You can plant anytime after the last frost, usually end of August start of September.. Most plants will stay in growth stage till Feburary when they flower..


It really depends on how much sun they receive and what they are growing in.. It can take as little as 1 month for a plant to reach 3 ft from seed. If I wanted a plant to be 3ft high at flower time I would plant around December...Normal plants will not flower in November on the GC so I think you must have had Auto seeds.

I thought autos too.

But why did they flower at just 4inches tall. Certainly that's not s mature plant

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I believe that reg just because i have 2 that i planted mid to late nov and theyre as big as some that were planted in sept. I dont think ill do a sept planting next year maybe mid october anything earlier is too cold


I am at 36°South and I too have come to the conclusion that later planting is better.  I am inland so have very cool evening temps right through to November. 


This season, I sowed indica doms direct into the ground in late October (after last frost risk) and sativas from early December through to first week of January.  At this stage I am happy with the size of the plants, especially as I envisage the stretch to come.   


That said, if I had unlimited space I would definitely be starting a bit earlier and growing some tall trees :D

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How big are your pots?


Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

Ok so I've heard different info about when to plant.

Grow Is on the Gold Coast

I planted some on Father's Day and they all flowered in November and were 100mm tall.

So I planted two early December........

Now I have two plants that are no taller than 300mm

If I want to grow a plant that's around 3 feet high, when should I plant the seeds?

How long does a seed take to grow 3 feet?

I'm really confused on this.

On another note: every plant I grow in a certain spot grows male!

Any advice would be awesome

How big are your pots?


Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

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