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Medical Cannabis Advisory Group(QLD)

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Medical Cannabis Advisory Group QLD



Please sign and share our second e petition with your friends, family and co workers for all patients and carers who need lawful access now and into the future.


There are two e petitions currently on the Queensland Parliament website - this is the one that is supported by our proposal that the Premier and Cabinet have before them and what we have been working on hard all year - changes have already been made to the regulations but they don't go far enough!

Our second paper petition can also be downloaded from our website if you would like to help colelct signatures. Both of our petitions will be tabled in December.


Thank you

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Medical Cannabis Advisory Group of Queensland petitions for the introduction of medical cannabis

This is our fourth petition since March for those that don't know.


We also have a current paper one that we are still collecting signatures for and have been since September.

We are QLD patients and carers and have been advocating for patients legal and human rights, an amnesty, home growing, cooperatives, industry and a lot more under a "State" program since March.

FIRST Petition (paper) Tabled 27 March 2015

3,750 signatures in under a week calling for amnesty and more


Response tabled 27 April 2015


SECOND Petition (online) Amend Health Regulation 270A and more

1,474 - did you sign and share!


Response Tabled 16 October 2015


THIRD Petition (Paper) - current

We have been collecting signatures since September.

If you would like to help please download from our website.


FOURTH Petition (online) - current


We updated and resubmtted our online petition because of Federal SAS approval for Lindsay and changes to the QLD health regulations on 6 November to include nabiximols but don't let the truth stand in the way of a good story.

We also submitted a patient focused and driven proposal that has before the QLD Premier and Cabinet since June. The health minister has advised that he was seeking clarification and legal advice and changes have already been made but these don't go far enough.

We have initiated Supreme and Federal Court actions and have been preparing for some time now.

We also have had some more great news this week but are waiting on legal clarification and expect to make an announcement soon.

Our proposal outlines how a simple amendment to health regulation 270A could pave the way for law reform in QLD NOW to provide lawful access from home growing through to coooperatives, farmers, cultivators, producers, dispensaries as well as research, training and other support services without a Bill going through parliament or waiting on trials or changes to federal laws.

It also includes an overview of how an amnesty program could work based on overseas models with some basic guidelines, a draft cannabis treatment plan and informed consent form.

What we are doing in QLD will not change laws in the other states. You will need to petition and lobby your state parliament if you want changes to be made now or you will be waiting on trials or the federal government to make changes and may still need to go through the TGA. NSW and ACT already have excellent State Bills prepared - if you want change here other people have already done the hard work for you.

Another QLD petition is up online the first from the MCUA - both petitons should be supported and more should be done in the other states.

Thank you to everyone who has signed and shared our petitions and collected signatures.

We still need more and would appreciate your help so please keep signing and sharing away.

A huge thank you and nothing but respect for Lana who has worked tirelessly and openly through some very difficult family health circumstances and more!

Without Lanai's commitment and efforts patients would still be waiting on trials, or the Federal or State politicians to do it for them.



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