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Young clone flowering outdoors already

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I guess it will finish in flower without reveg...

I'm thinking that



Ry...........If it's in a pot bring it inside and put some light on it for a couple of weeks.

No hope man she's in the ground now and light hours are getting very long around here light at 5.30 am and dark at 8.30 pm

Here's to early Christmas bud maybe lol

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Umm, clear some of the grass away... overgrown lawn grasses are a haven for spider mites.


Apart from that... just keep doing what you are doing it should eventually reveg... if you can add a solar spot light to it, it will reveg faster, but I can understand if you don't want a spot light on your backyard weed at night.


If it is close enough to the house, maybe leave the porch light on?


I have a few small plants outside doing much the same thing, but I am confident that they will revert to veg in the coming weeks so I am not doing anything special to push them along.

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