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I was just watching Tv and I saw an advertisement for a movie called the crop thats comming out on thursday, looks to be an Aussie movie about growers ( kinda like homegrown )


regardless I will get more info on it and let ya know if it's worth a watch lol just good to see a movie like that come out of OZ

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Sounds interesting:





Plot Summary for

Crop, The (2004)


The Crop, set in the early '80s, is about a larrikin nightclub owner, Ronnie (Blade) Gillette, and his barmaid girlfriend Geraldine. Two months after random breath testing has been introduced, Blade realises he's going broke. Afraid of driving under the influence, his customers are not buying his grog-they're going out to the carpark to smoke dope. Like any good businessman, Blade decides he needs a strategy. He decides to grow some dope as a way out of his financial hole. Diversify and expand-beauty!






'The Crop' comes to cinemas


Reporter: Tracy Bowden


KERRY O'BRIEN: Rarely has Australia's film industry been at such a low ebb.


In the past five years, almost two-thirds of local releases have taken less than $1 million at the box office.


Those in the industry claim they need extra subsidies and tax breaks to survive.


But one local film about to be released didn't rely on Government funding. Instead on the energy and enthusiasm of the man who wrote it, produced it and also starred in it.


George Elliot left school at 14, but that hasn't stopped him from achieving success in a surprising range of pursuits.


Tracy Bowden reports.


GEORGE ELLIOT: I'm a hotel operator, a jet helicopter pilot, professional Nascar racer, novelist - it's a pretty big portfolio.


TRACY BOWDEN: George Elliot's vocabulary doesn't include words like 'no', 'impossible' or 'forget it'.


He's made a career out of convincing others to believe in his passions and, better still, bankroll them.


Almost a decade ago, he added a new challenge to the list.


GEORGE ELLIOT: Look, you'll probably laugh, but it came about simply because I decided I wanted to write a movie and star in it.


I mean, it really was as simple as that.




With a couple of novels already under his belt, George Elliot set to work on a script for his first film The Crop, starring George Elliot.


Then he tried to convince others it was all possible.


TRACY BOWDEN (TO GEORGE ELLIOT): Did you get a few knock backs?


GEORGE ELLIOT: Yeah, yeah, I had quite a few knock backs and I had quite a few unkind remarks along the way.




GEORGE ELLIOT: Well, that you've got no talent.


You can't write and the story's no good.


So, basically, you know, that was pretty blunt, but I would really like to thank those people now because, you know, they gave me the determination to make it happen.


TRACY BOWDEN: But George Elliot knew he needed more than determination - he needed expertise.


He started acting lessons, a fitness regime and surrounded himself with people who know the film business, including agent to the stars Martin Bedford.


MARTIN BEDFORD, AGENT: The camera obviously likes you, which is terrific.


TRACY BOWDEN: In 2002, against all the odds, filming began on The Crop with George Elliot wearing several hats.


SCOTT PATTERSON, DIRECTOR: He wrote the script, he produced it, he starred in it and he was involved in practically sort of every aspect of the production and so it's quite monumental.


TRACY BOWDEN: George Elliot plays the role of Blade, a publican going broke because of random breath testing, who decides to grow marijuana as an alternative and illegal form of income.


GEORGE ELLIOT (AS BLADE): Do you know what them bastards did?


They stole our heads.


$500,000 worth.




GEORGE ELLIOT (AS BLADE): Friggin' coppers - they're supposed to be the good guys.


If there's one thing I can't stand, it's baddies pretending to be goodies.


TRACY BOWDEN (TO SCOTT PATTERSON): Honest answer - how is George's acting?


SCOTT PATTERSON: George's acting, you know, isn't that much different to a lot of other actors acting.


He primarily played himself.


So I think that George learnt fast and it was a baptism of fire, but eventually he got there, I think.


JAIMIE LEONARDER, THE MOVIE SHOW, SBS: I think the film is a very light-hearted romp through Australian bloke-type culture.


TRACY BOWDEN: Film critic and Australian movie devotee Jaimie Leonarder concedes The Crop may not be for everyone.


JAIMIE LEONARDER: I mean, I have got a great enjoyment of B-grade cinema.


I can see through a film's flaws and see them transcend to somewhere else and I think basically The Crop is one of those films.


It won't hit you initially, but when it does it will profoundly affect you.


TRACY BOWDEN (TO GEORGE ELLIOT): Do you imagine that you'll get any criticism from anti-marijuana groups, groups concerned about drug use?


GEORGE ELLIOT: Look, anybody that feels that way really needs to see the film, because once they've seen the film, they'll realise that we are in no way condoning drugs.


This is about some mates who want to help each other try to survive and get out of trouble.


GEORGE ELLIOT (AS BLADE): What you talkin' about?


HOLLY BRISLEY (AS GERALDINE): You know what I'm talking about and so do I.


GEORGE ELLIOT (AS BLADE): So what are you sayin'?


HOLLY BRISLEY (AS GERALDINE): "No" is what I'm saying.




No, no, definitely no.


TRACY BOWDEN (TO GEORGE ELLIOT): Are you ready for the critics?


GEORGE ELLIOT: Look, I think, you know, I don't expect a lot from the critics.


I don't know that the critics will even like the film, because I didn't write it for the critics.


I wrote it for people - just ordinary, average Aussie people.


JAIMIE LEONARDER: I don't believe The Crop is going to help any of us artistically to rise up above the quagmire that Australian film's in at the moment.


But certainly the notion and his inspiration and the fact that he sought it, went after it and achieved it, is an extraordinary accomplishment.


TRACY BOWDEN: George Elliot even has a sequel ready to go if The Crop is a success.


But in the end, the sense is that what matters here is not so much the film itself, but what it says about having a go.


GEORGE ELLIOT: If you've got a dream, go for it, you know, focus on what it is that you want to do.


I guess I'm living proof anyone can make it happen if you just work hard enough.


KERRY O'BRIEN: Tracy Bowden with that report.


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About The Movie


The Crop is a tongue in cheek look at a larrikan night club owner, Ronald 'Blade' Gillette, who realizes two months after random breath testing has been introduced that he is going broke. He is still getting plenty of customers to gawk at the girls and listen to the band, but afraid of drink driving, they’re not buying his grog. They’re going out into the car park, smoking marijuana, then coming back in for a glass of water and free entertainment.


Now like any good businessman with loans to pay, debts mounting and crooked cops demanding their protection money, Blade decides he needs to tailor his business to suit his customer demands. Diversify and expand. Excellent, one of those things that seemed like a really good idea at the time.


After recruiting his best mate David 'Wack' Kowakski and his girlfriend Geraldine to assist him in the grand scheme of his business saving plan, what happens next will have you on the edge of your seat with anticipation and rolling in the isles with laugher. In fact, ‘you’ll laugh your heads off’.


MPEG Trailer


Source: The Crop - Movie Website

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I personally think that this film should not exist.


My reason is that....can you imagaine how many dickheads out there, those people who watch movies and try to be like it. For example, when Gone in 60 Seconds first came out they did a research in Canada and found out that auto theft went up alot more, so therefore, some movies might trigger poeple to do things and i strongly beleive that there will be alot of people in Australia after seeing this film will want to be 'just like them' and so on.


It's not good for the actual growers, even though it's comedy and just a 'movie', but some poeple do take things to another level.

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:wub: It'll make most of us look pretty bad, whether or not we grow for personal use.........I agree with Luke
Looks like another film, made for the mass media perception of what growing your own pot is about, and what the culture is like. *sighs*
Typical.......hey Luke, maybe you should put the book on the backburner and try your hand at directing........... ::D: ;) Tell it how it really is man!!
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