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Should I Harvest Yet? ( Pics Included )

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Hey guys, this is my very first grow. I germinated around early October, it is now Autumn so the mornings down here in the South of Tassie are very cold ( This morning was brrrrrrrrrrr )

I was planing on harvesting in around two weeks, mid March but I'm thinking with these cold nights/mornings, I should place plant in a dark warmer room an harvest in a couple days...What do you think?


I just took these pics now...



P.S you guys have been awesome on the help tip, so appreciated.




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they are still a way off from harvest...

if you do harvest in 2 weeks your plants will not have reached their full size nor their full potential

those buds will continue to fatten up and you'll get more smoke out of it too


if you are expecting frost, then yes, bring the plant inside at night (or make a frost cover for it)

ignore that advise... and listen to Louise

Edited by Matanuska Thunder
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Lovely pink pistils, but not ready to cut. And on the matter of frosts... a light frost wont harm cannabis (it aint a tomato plant), so long as the days are sunny, cold nights don't matter squat. The thing that is really detrimental to cannabis is wet and humid weather.


edit... ps, I've had light snow falls on outdoor cannabis... didn't hurt a thing.

Edited by louise
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