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I have lived here for 25 years and I am not worried in the least!


This may sound stupid, yes, but i am blocking the veiw of it on both sides and tying it down.


Its just one plant! If i had all 6 then i would be worried but only one neighbor would be able to see it and shes 70 and never go outside!


Thank you for your thoughts on this matter...



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Just grow the fucken' thing as big as ya can maaate!!!


Neighbours wouldn't give two fucks about 1 plant, in fact why not blow the 70 year old lady out, she probably would appreciate the smoke!!! ::D:


Seriously, it does look a little spindly, but I am sure thats just the location, the buds will be HUUGE I'd reckon, good luck, and can't wait to see your good photos, looking forward to some quality shots, I always liked photography and television fields, starred in commercials myself, good fun.


See ya.....



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...Coming along nicely. You say you're tying it down = good move. You'll want all the light you can get to those lower branches during flowering so they beef up nice.

..Just remember it's possible someone could knock it off...the authorities are not your only worry = Bloody theives!!! Good luck, and look forward to Seeing her in all her glory when flowering....

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If you haven't changed to a blooming fertiliser, (although the 20/20/20 has plenty, it's a little too high in nitrogen for optimum flowering) already, then I'd say do so. But be careful not to overdo it. The best results are usually obtained by using less, more often, rather than more, less often. Make sure you don't overdose the plant, and this can be simply done by never using more than 1/2 strength nutrients...


But anyway, you could go with soluble, organic, or even certain manures as a blooming fert. Hope they yeild well for ya, and keep more piccies coming! lol

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I just started using DNF oganic fert. 2 table spoons to 2 litres of water!


I am seeing some really good results, buds are developing well!


I went to check on my other girls in the woods and one was a male!


I pulled him right away, he was 8 feet tall, and the girls were up to 7 feet!


i have to use my buddies camera so i don't have it all that often but i will soon and i will show the ladies off when i do!!


Question: on 1 or 2 of the buds the hairs and some of the small leaves are showing a purple coloring, could this be mold or is it just resins or somthing?



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