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First Grow 2014/15 pics inside

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Hey all been a while since my last post. Plant is all good it's massive now :) I won't put any pics up till there's a bit more of a change. I have a question for you experts can I bring it inside to a dark room at night to make it flower quicker or just leave it as is? Don't want it to get too much bigger plus I want some decent bud lol I'm sick of getting shit bud of late.
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Update time ! Been real busy with work of late finally got some time off to take some new snaps plus putting some bamboo stakes in now before it gets real heavy. She's HUGE now since the repot. A sight for sore eyes lol. Really exciting to watch the change every day now. Upped the feeding regime for the last few weeks to daily and it's loving it. Here's a few pics. Buds!!








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some updates! Took a few happy snaps tonight. I love watching this thing haha. Getting real thirsty lately weve had a nice hot spell of late giving it about 6L a day once 3L in morning with food and then another 3 plain at night. Only thing shitting me is the lower part not much action down there I was thinking of pulling some of the branches down and tying them up so they stick out more into the sun. Any advice or tips on if I'm on the right track with that idea? Happy growing all :) :)




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Some more updates things seem to be coming along nicely now. Tied the branches out especially the lower ones so they can get more direct sun and get fatter :) I had a small bug problem I noticed when pulling branches out they looked like little spiders I think mites maybe. Gave it some eco oil and will do it again tonight once sun is down hopefully gets rid or keeps them under control the little bastards. love seeing everyone else's grows going well too! Thanks for the valuable info once again.



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