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What strain do I have here, and is it ready to harvest?

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Skylarker, Selma Rose looks (and from your descriptions) sounds like an indica dominant skunk. I'd say... about half to two thirds done... may be another 4 to 6 weeks and a couple of solid feeds of phosphorus and potassium.


Now, as to cutting and smoking it now... yeah, sure, it's your plant, but lets not pretend that it's actually ready or anything.

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The buds came off when I touched them, they had partly dried out due to my mate leaving it out in the sun during a heatwave and not watering it, I have since brought it back to life, but some buds were too burnt to revive so I guess they fell off when I touched them.


I left them to dry out for a few days then smoked them, Other than that I have not and will not cut off any of the buds until its ready to harvest, and I wasn't sure it was ready which is the reason for this thread.


Don't worry I am not about to willingly destroy months of dedication, which is why I was pretty mad at my mate for neglecting her! - Well it was my fault for trusting him with it - hahahaha I'm just happy she was strong enough to pull through the heatwave and now I want to make sure I get the best out of her :)

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Thank you tweety for your help!


Ozzy said earlier he thought it was a Sativa, which is what I thought it was as well, it definitely smells and smokes like one to me, I am fairly certain the seed came from an indoor mother as well.. and thank you for telling me the amount of time you think it has left, I started flushing it out 2 weeks ago so do you think I should feed it again, or just keep flushing it?

I have been putting whole bananas (after using liquid ferts) and letting them rot onto the soil as a lighter dose than adding more fertilisers, but they have since rotted away and now there is just soil on top.. What do you think I should do more bananas, or liquid ferts, or keep flushing away?


Skylarker, Selma Rose looks (and from your descriptions) sounds like an indica dominant skunk. I'd say... about half to two thirds done... may be another 4 to 6 weeks and a couple of solid feeds of phosphorus and potassium.


Now, as to cutting and smoking it now... yeah, sure, it's your plant, but lets not pretend that it's actually ready or anything.


Sorry Louise, not Tweety, I digress, I am quite belted, mi scusi, mi scusi...

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Hey there Skylarker

Ethylene gas put off by fruit like bananas is used for the ripening of fruit & veg like tomatoes 

i think most organic things are better off composted first  


Here's some info from Jorge Cervantes you might like to read


How to Help Ensure Female Seedlings

Ethylene diluted in water and sprayed on cannabis plants increases the number of female flowers and decreases the number of male flowers.

To have the fullest effect, the hormone must be applied before pre-flowers appear. At this point plants are in the process designating their sex, male or female.

The spray releases a gaseous vapor of ethylene. Ethylene gas surrounds and overwhelms plants with the female hormone, promoting female tendencies.

When enveloped in female hormone, cannabis plants designate sex and soon start producing female hormones, female pre-flowers and later female flowers.

See Chapter ??? Additives, for more information on the hormone ethylene.

Note: Ethylene sprays can be phytotoxic when not diluted properly or applied in hot weather.

Seed treatment with carbon dioxide or ethylene before sowing has a positive influence on growth, budding, flowering, and ripening of hemp.

Root development, seed production and total yields also are increased by treatment.

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No worries, I've been called much worse than tweety over the years.


So long as the plant is still relatively green, i.e. the leaves haven't all turned yellow, I'd go back to feeding it... but leave the bananas in the fruit bowl because there are better ways of feeding a plant.


Manutec do an inexpensive flowering and fruiting feed, called Bloom Booster, that is readily available through nursery stores, bummings etc.

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