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flowering soon

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well he we go again . my puppies are just about ready to go into the 12/12 stage . i have a few ?

1. cansomeone please fill me in about this product called la femme . when to use it? . what is its use? . and how often to use it ?

2. do u change nuts straight away or what is the best way.


3. when do u start to add superbud agent and is this stuff any good.


4. and any other tips would be grateful.


also i just read a post in here that if you change the lighting down to 6 hours for 3 days this will let you know if it is going to be a male or female. can anyone agree with this or has anyone tried this with success.



Edited by gilly
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1. cansomeone please fill me in about this product called la femme . when to use it? . what is its use? . and how often to use it ?

Sorry I have never used this, although if I remember right its a seed soak solution that makes more seeds germinate as females.

unless you have hermi plants I thinks its no use to ya.


2. do u change nuts straight away or what is the best way.

you dont need to change to flowering formula for around 2-3 weeks or when the flowers start showing up.

however its really not that important and I change mine on the day i change to 12/12.


3. when do u start to add superbud agent and is this stuff any good.


I have also not used this product, but I believe that you use it in the 3rd week of flowering. make sure though.

I went to the hydro shop yesterday to buy some and he talked me out of it.

he said I would be better just to use Bonza bud.


4. and any other tips would be grateful.


give them 24 hours of constant dark and then switch to 12/12, it helps trigger flowering responce.

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so u wouldnt recommend using superbud. the bottle says that it is an organic liquid is this suitable for a hydroponic system? whats the diff between bonza and super bud 2000


I dont know enough on Superbud to give you a defined answer to that.

however bonza bud is $20-00 and is a growth regulator.

Superbud also contains a growth regulator.





a) BONZA BUD: promotes branching and the development of a compact plant.

a) BONZA BUD: reduces legginess or stops the plant stretching and puts growth into the flower buds.



LAFEMME: stops male flowers developing and enhances femaleness and firmness


a) LAFEMME: is a sex change hormone to promote femaleness of the flowers.



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