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Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoot
Growing Medium: Perlite, Osmacote Premium Mix
Growing Style: LST, HST
Watering/Feeding Frequency: 2-3 days
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels: 7
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:Flowering 22days
Plants Age: 55
Cannabis Strain:AK47 Auto


About 10 days ago I noticed the shade leaves were beginning to show show signs of yellowing. This is my first time growing an Auto so wasn't sure what the story was. About a week later the problem had got noticeable worse and the leaves had brown spots as well as the yellowing. Checking a leaf chart it appears that it is a lack of Potassium. I have been feeding 4grm in 4ltr water  of Sulphate of Potash, foliar feeding and then the remainder around the roots. I have done this twice, 2 days apart and due again today. The damage continued to progress initially. I don't think in the last 48hrs (don't know for sure) there hasn't been any further damage progression or if there has been, then it has been minor.This auto is due to finish sometime in the next 14-35 days.


post-52663-0-23089700-1416259684_thumb.jpg  post-52663-0-39219200-1416260210_thumb.jpg Pictures taken on Sunday



post-52663-0-39826700-1416260536_thumb.jpgpost-52663-0-46573400-1416260587_thumb.jpgpost-52663-0-61735000-1416260667_thumb.jpg Today about 5 minutes ago


If it is a lack of Potassium then that would be because I was being too cautious with the nutes. They need more feeding than I expected but I have corrected this and am now feeding at the correct rate.



Am I on the right track?


What else can I do to help this issue?


Is it true that once damage from Potassium Deficiency has occurred the damaged leaves will never recover?


Thanks for your help in advance


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NOT a potassium deficiency


You are watering them too much, the pot should be quite dry before a watering. 

Your plants are still small and need to stretch their root zones.

Too much watering can cause the roots to become shallow and not reach the bottom of the pot.

PH is a little high


correct, leaves when damaged, browned etc will not recover - and become green again, especially the ones lower on the plant.

Some die off of leaves is normal and expected

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NOT a potassium deficiency


You are watering them too much, the pot should be quite dry before a watering. 

Your plants are still small and need to stretch their root zones.

Too much watering can cause the roots to become shallow and not reach the bottom of the pot.

PH is a little high


correct, leaves when damaged, browned etc will not recover - and become green again, especially the ones lower on the plant.

Some die off of leaves is normal and expected


This is my first grow using Auto seed and I am am a long way from being an expert grower.. Because its an Auto I didn't expect it to be huge but I was told a week ago that it is about the right size for its age. I wouldn't be surprised if water was the issue as we have had a fair amount of rain over the last week and I have tried to add as little as possible but with soluble nutes it's a bit more difficult. It doesn't have long to go so I just need it to hang in there for another 20 -30 days to finish. Its really starting to crank up the odor now and each time I go anywhere near it I start to get wafts! Thanks for your input.

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let it dry out, probably 7 or more days... BUT keep an eye on it too, I could be off a day or two

before you water, put your finger in the dirt as far as you can, if it is wet/damp don't water.


The potting mix you are using has some nutes in it (tho not canna specific) that could be contributing to the discolouration too

You are getting to the stage of needing (but not required) a boost of PK 13/14 is that something you will be adding?


you are doing great, at least you'll have smoke for the holidays...

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Cheers for that I am going to leave it alone as you suggested, we have a 35c tomorrow so I am sure that will help dry things out. It is getting 3ml per ltr Canna Flores every 2-3 days which is also due again today unfortunately the Canna Flores, Sulphate of Potash and Molasses (Which I used last year at flowering with reasonable results) is all the budget is able to stretch too at the moment.


I might give the full 5 litre Canna Flores due tonight a miss as it will only add further moisture to the pot. Will leave it till Thursday and see how its looking after a day in the heat however we are also forecast thunder storms.  I could keep up the foliar feeding which I assume will have little impact on the soil moisture or maybe its better I leave it alone. Thanks MT :)

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You are very welcome


35... get it out of the direct sun - the soil will heat up much too much

more rain? May want to put it under cover if possible, don't want it too wet


Foliar feeding is not a good idea whilst in flower, could end up with mould -could end up with perfect buds too (but I digress)


others will pop in and give their $0.02 soon enough


carry on

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I have just been and used my water meter for only the second time(I usually just use my finger) and it didn't matter where in the pot I put it (apart from the top 10cm) it all read "Wet" and it was the high end of the wet scale. I then went through and checked my other girls and all apart from one are also in that state. Not being one to just settle for half the answer. I didn't really think I had given them much water however both the plant and the water meter are telling me differently. So I went directly to the heart of the matter and lifted the pot to check the drainage only to see it was very wet...as I went to put the pot down it hit me straight away...pot on ground no elevation, sitting on damp ground, amongst the weeds and grass to also clog up drainage. I don't think I have ever put a pot directly onto the ground to grow, I always have something under it to create space for drainage and airflow. But not this time I remember putting the plants up on the ground and thinking I need to put them on "something". Slipped my mind after that.... I am wondering that since we have had all this rain (along with my watering as part of giving nutes), add this to improper drainage on wet ground. It was draining far slower than I thought.  It all starts to add up doesn't it.


I will move them out of the rain and I can get them out of the direct sunlight on the hot day as well...not as easy task for me but I am so close I don't want to screw it up. Your suggestion of needing 7 days to dry out is looking realistic. I should know better...file this under "what not to do" The only upside is at least the Potassium it received will do it good. I was reading some threads on the Foliar feeds and yes imho it's something that could be put to use under the right circumstances as I have used it before with good results although I must admit not during flowering. 



Edit: Added "(I usually just use my finger)"

Edited by max_headroom
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