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Swab tests show drugs in drivers' systems

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Hedland police are now equipped with roadside drug testing kits which can reveal if there is cannabis or methamphetamine in a driver's system.


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In our workplace, we are both tested for drug and alcohol randomly.


So I decided to buy my own personal breathalyser, i had this for a bout a year now. just to guide me before they take test on me. Its a big help but don't have one for my own drug testing it. Where to buy which is reliable? is it expensive?

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In our workplace, we are both tested for drug and alcohol randomly.


So I decided to buy my own personal breathalyser, i had this for a bout a year now. just to guide me before they take test on me. Its a big help but don't have one for my own drug testing it. Where to buy which is reliable? is it expensive?

Ebay Edited by Ford Fairlane
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